Lots of Dots Rhino NOW AVAILABLE







The Lots of Dots Rhino will be available February 1st to 28th, 2013!












No one takes charge quite like the Lots of Dots Rhino! This colorful creature likes to help keep the beat spot on, practicing on their Polka Dot Drum Set! And nothing quite hits the spot at snack time like a plate of Polka Dot Cookies!


You may find this pet and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!



39 Responses to Lots of Dots Rhino NOW AVAILABLE

  1. Webkinz Lover says:

    when is that room theme gonna come out?

  2. kermie66 says:

    These are so cute but its not fair to people who cant afford deluxe memberships or e store points, we have 3 accounts….

  3. webkin200149 says:

    not really my type i like the dog one better. ~*leafpaw*~

  4. e987 says:

    i love this pet

  5. twinkiemorsel says:

    oh my gosh they are so cute and i have estore pts and a deluxe membership awesome

  6. mykitten07 says:

    it’s so cute! :)

  7. yapra853 says:

    i really like this

  8. kittenkutie says:

    So cute! I love it so much! But I h ave no eStore points or Deluxe Memb…. too bad D:

  9. Clairebear 100 says:

    I really like this but why can’t people who don’t have Deluxe Membership or Webkinz e store points get these animals? i would just like to know

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