Lots of Spring clothing surprises will be waiting for you inside this sensational shopping bag starting Monday, March 28, 2016.
You may find this and much more coming soon to eStore!
Hm let me take a wild guess. A carrot costume, and a lamb costume. That lamb costume looks rad though c;
It probably is that lavadragon!
Good guess :)
I ALREADY saw someone in the tradeing room in the Carrot costume !! It looks fine the shoes were the best. I hope we get a choice or a full set of clothing are in a bag together !
You get one piece of new tradeable clothing per bag(guaranteed but you can sometimes get older mystery with it as well) and it’s at random.
I WILL NOT spend money for these UNTIL !! They put a full set in a bag . WHICH is WISER ;) to sell bags to a few till they get sets and so many doubles. OR SELL BAGS TO MANY MANY knowing they get full sets so SHOP THESE BAGS EACH TIME ;) they are OFFERED !!
why are u waiting so long to sell the bags the 28th is after Easter and some of the clothes would be so cute to wear now….i’ve seen them in the trading room and i know u are selling them in bundles already but i don’t want the bundles because i have all those items now i just need the clothes …so why not earlier??????
Can’t wait! But must admit I was hoping for a chance at those costumes BEFORE Easter.
Can’t wait ..hope we see some SNEAK peeks ;)
Can hardly wait ♥ Thanks for the heads up, Ganz eStore :)
Sally, I said something about 2 missing charms in the Magic Forest a few weeks back. They were from the codes. Anyways, I still don’t have the 2 missing ones the Panda and the Magic W charm. Now after adding the rest to get the 24th charm prize for a room I’m making I noticed there is a third charm missing. It is the Plumpy Cameo. I put in the code and got money instead of the charm. I went to the tree and I don’t have it there. If you need a picture for proof I can get you one and all 24 codes. Just please give me back my charms. They cost money……. REAL money.
You will need to contact Customer Service and have them investigate. If you’re getting KinzCash instead of a charm, that means that the charm already exists on your account, but is invisible.
Already on my account? That can’t be these are the first charms I have gotten for Webkinz. Unless I got a free one…….. Somehow… Anyways Thanks! :D
The last time WEBKINZ was turned all Deluxe a charm was added to every one of my accounts. This was WEBKINZ doing it now they are all open and I am thrilled !! Maybe this happened to you. Webkinz did this several years ago and I earned charm in the game as I played. Good Luck ;)
It is a lil lamb costume and a carrot costume… awww!
Hey guys, thanks for all the name suggestions for a saber tooth tiger! I ended up naming him Buckeye… after one of my favorite chocolates! XD
Any time, Fennec :) and cool name! Congrats on getting Buckeye! :D oh, and congrats on Samwise, too! I’m happy you got a fennec fox :) maybe we can bring both of our fennec foxes to the park someday…… :) oh, and while you were on vacation, I adopted Cloverclaw and Graystripe :D I should bring one of them to the park one day. I think you’d like them :)
Thanks!!! And thanks again… i will adopt Samwise onto my account today!! :D
Awww, Cloverclaw and Graystripe sound so cute.
That’s awesome, Fennec!! :) I’m sure Samwise is super cute! ^•^ :) And aw, thanks!!! :D They are really cute :)
Thanks!! And no problem, Graystripe must be SO FUZZY!
You’re welcome! And hehe, thanks! Graystripe is super fuzzy!!! I want to hug him all day long! Heheh, no wonder it’s called a “cuddle cat”!
Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy felines! XD
yeah, Webkinz picked the perfect name for it! *Cuddle Cat*
Hehe, yeah, fuzzy felines! XD and yep, cuddle cat is the perfect name! I just want to hug n’ cuddle my lil Graystripe all day XD
That’s cool that you got a Sabertooth Tiger, Fennec! And Buckeye is such a cool name. I named my Sabertooth, Diego. #TypicalMe :D
nice! Diego is a cool name.
when I get my Saber I’m gonna name him Diego too XD I also want a mammoth (Manny) and the green sloth (Sid) XD Later on I might look for a purple sloth (Granny) I really liked her XD and maybe a snow leopard and another mammoth XD And keep going and going until I have every character. The last one had some stuff we didn’t like hope the next one is better :D
That’s a great name, curbo! And hehe, it’s okay! A lot of my pets are named after movie characters. I have a mammoth named Manny and a ribbon lion named Simba. Those are probably pretty common names for the species, but hey, they are cool names! And Diego is a great one! I actually probably would’ve named my saber tooth that, but I ended up naming him Tigerheart after a character in my book series. :)
That is a lil lamb outfit!!!!!!!!! it MUST be! :D
INSTANT LAMB COSTUME ! I have a WOLF I use the CLOUD DRESS , HAT and LAMB or bunny slippers ;) It’s cute like a wolf in sheeps clothing as they say :) .
Cool! :D Is that a carrot costume? Heheh