NEW Neo Gothic Bathtub for the Neo Gothic Theme!







NEW Neo Gothic Room theme addition!









Add some more style to your Neo Gothic Room with the sleek Neo Gothic Bathtub! Your pet will love relaxing in the bath by candlelight!

You may find these items and more at eStore!



49 Responses to NEW Neo Gothic Bathtub for the Neo Gothic Theme!

  1. jenniferobbi says:

    WOW! Thanksfor the picture. Now I know what I’m missing. Have to get the bed, is that a room divider or speakers or the t.v., and I need that tub. It’ll be awhile befor Artie gets that in.

  2. JRS1 says:

    I LOVE the bathtub. Very cool!

  3. Lego1Creator says:

    OMG!! I love Neo Gothic! Thanks Ganz!!

  4. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    I hope this fantastic bathtub shows up in the Curio Shop!!

  5. SamanthaFooFoo says:


  6. SnowRabbit1997 says:

    I love the neo gothic room theme!!!! I wish it wasn’t estore though. :(

  7. webkinz user says:

    The bathtub is really cool but how come they don’t sell the rest of the theme in the estore?

    • bonropog says:

      That’s because they sell most if the items to that theme in the curio shop. Go to the curio shop often and give Archie big tips,and you might find a few items from this theme. Good luck!

      • poppopbear32 says:

        You don’t have to leave big tips. I left 25 k.c. everyday for 2 weeks and Artie started telling what time he was getting something rare in. I’m not deluxe so sometimes I don’t see a rare item, just 12 regular Wshop items.

  8. designergirl101 says:

    That is really Gothic Elegant (to an extant)……. Hmm I may get it when I start more progress on my room!

  9. mark97 says:

    I love it, but it’s for eStore only, I would love to see this at the Curio Shop.

  10. foxpaws says:

    This is a very striking room! ♥♥♥foxpaws♥♥♥

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