Pet Buddies Follow Webkinz Everywhere They Go!








Pet Buddies and Zums!












Exclusive to eStore, make Melanie Good Fairy Buddy your pet’s buddy and have them follow them everywhere they go! You can pair up your pets and Melanie with the Pet Buddy feature. Melanie will fly around your room with your Webkinz pet and even visit the Clubhouse!


Have a Zum? Babysitting your Zums is fun with exciting features, mini games and interactive Zum parties! Your little Zum can also follow your Webkinz pet around their room!


Which side will your pet buddies and Zums choose in the Webkinz Wizard Academy? Team Alyssa or Team Nafaria?



You may find these items and more at eStore!


19 Responses to Pet Buddies Follow Webkinz Everywhere They Go!

  1. greeneggs10 says:

    I’m chosing Nafara

  2. JEM says:

    And I don’t trust that crafty fairy Nafiria…

  3. JEM says:

    I want that fairy one. But I’m not a deluxe member. What rotten luck!

  4. 12345 says:

    I much rather malaria. Alyssa is just too much of a goody two shoes

  5. lightpapa says:

    I just got Melanie. She is 3000 e-store points and I am on Team Nafaria. It was unfair to ban her from the charm forest for a simple mistake. She was pretty much forced to be a bad fairy so Alyssa isn’t as good a fairy as she pretends to be. Team Nafaria! I know I got Melanie but she IS cute.

  6. jumper5 says:

    I would choose Alyssa, but I got no ePoints :(

  7. harald12 says:

    ya it IS kinda overboard but its all for Harry Potter fans. GO HP!

  8. WebkinzPlushLover says:

    If you ask me I’m getting tired of the team this and team that,I mean its not that big of a deal……

  9. flutterby7 says:

    I wish they would make Melanie as a pixel plush. I would sooo be over at the e-store for that one to add to my pixel plushie collection.

  10. designergirl101 says:

    Okay um I don’t know anybody that is really in to team Nafaria or Alyssa. But I think the are stretching the whole wizard school thing with the zums. It just does not fit.

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