NEW Secluded Garden Room Theme has arrived!









In time for Deluxe Wednesday, create the hidden garden of your dreams with these pretty, overgrown Secluded Garden pieces.












Look for more Secluded Garden room theme pieces coming to eStore throughout March and April!



19 Responses to NEW Secluded Garden Room Theme has arrived!

  1. petlover24435 says:

    It’s beautiful. But honestly, you guys, quit adding things to the estore and add to the Wshop! I mean, whens the last time we got a theme that wasn’t for a holiday?

  2. SmoresOfScotland says:

    Pretty, but why does everything have to be eStore? I’m Deluxe, but it still drives me nuts that they never make cool WShop themes anymore. Why not make it a new WShop theme, that way EVERYONE can enjoy it?

  3. CountryKinz17 says:

    Flowers, flowers EVERYWHERE!!! lol

  4. 7debbie7 says:

    What a lovely new theme! Thanks Ganz!

  5. migrubbs says:

    I sure could use some of this theme for my pixie bunny and pixie fox.

  6. designergirl101 says:

    I like this theme allot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, the walls leave allot to be desired. If it were me, even if no themed walls, I would use the blue sky walls. It would be a bit more outdoors-y, but if that did not lookk good then I would use the caterpillar walls from the GANZ estore. That even has trees. Done. Simple. :)

  7. Becky71W says:

    I thinks I will get

  8. lilicat9 says:

    So pretty, but can’t you to make a new W shop them? It has been quite some time, and at the rate you are retiring them, soon we won’t have any left!

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