Surround your Kinz Cottage with Patches of Tiger Lilies!

A pretty Tiger Lily Patch will look lovely in your yard! This terrific tuft of Tiger Lilies is perfect for planting!


Looks great when matched up with the with the Tiger Lily Cottage too!


You may find a new Kinz Cottage and companion item each month at eStore!


7 Responses to Surround your Kinz Cottage with Patches of Tiger Lilies!

  1. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Oh wow, those are pretty!

  2. Pattyjo says:

    gorgeous theme

  3. lemony says:

    Very beautiful….I hope the estore gives us their special deal for if we buy 10!

  4. KSC says:

    These are amazing! So beautiful!

  5. KarenaJ says:

    Oh man I’ve been waiting for these!

  6. Alphaowlbear says:

    These are so pretty! Their size is 2 x 2 so they will cover quite an area.

  7. GramaandPrincess4 says:

    How beautiful, have to go get the cottage and some lilies to go with my Tiger Lily. You always come up with beautiful scenes and items for purchase. Thank you.

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