The December Sale is HERE – both Ganz eStore AND W-Shop!


T’is the season…


…for cool Webkinz stuff to be on sale!


You may find the December Sale at BOTH W Shop and Ganz eStore until January 1, 2025!


6 Responses to The December Sale is HERE – both Ganz eStore AND W-Shop!

  1. minniemak says:

    charkao8..I have the same problem. they say I need to reactivate my account and no one is there to do it so I have missed out on Christmas free items and now the 50% off points!! I hope they will give us those items because it’s not our fault that it happened!

  2. leaveitnow41s says:

    WOW! AN ENTIRE ROOM THEME! Thanks so much Ganz! This is a first!

  3. charka08 says:

    I am at the end of my rope. I have codes for 2 accounts that are not working, so I just tried to buy another deluxe membership to get me through the holiday and I can’t do that either, now I’m missing Christmas. I really need help fast, anyone home at support??

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