The Koala Cuddles Cottage is the latest Kinz Cottage!

February’s Kinz Cottage has arrived: Koala Cuddles Cottage



Your pet will enjoy the view from up atop the useful eucalyptus Koala Cuddles Cottage tree! The cute cottage nestled in the branches will make a great getaway!


Watch for the companion item, Koala Cuddles Topiary, to be released next week!


You may find a new Kinz Cottage and companion item each month at eStore!


10 Responses to The Koala Cuddles Cottage is the latest Kinz Cottage!

  1. ojibwa says:

    I love Tile Towers and Eager Beaver because I can play for a long time. If you open the W shop when you start to play, then close it, bottles of dye will continue to fly while you play!

  2. Alexandrite_Ledger says:

    Oh my gosh, it’s so cute! ^-^ Makes me wish I was a koala living in a jungle full of chocolate trees.

  3. schuckersd says:

    that is so cute

  4. lunch33 says:

    It’s so cute! I love the little cottage!

  5. SteampunkUnicorn says:

    Y’all, we NEED Stardrops *-*

  6. mfaull says:

    What a darling cottage!

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