The Summer Citrus Bush is a Perfect Companion!



Take the Summer Citrus Bush and refresh your yard with some citrus shrubbery! It’s a delightful way to make an outdoor area cleverly colorful!


Complete the look with the Citrus Tree Cottage!


You may find a new Kinz Cottage and companion item each month at eStore!


3 Responses to The Summer Citrus Bush is a Perfect Companion!

  1. Edenwi says:

    i really like this tree

  2. rachelgirl192 says:

    It looks so pretty.

  3. kalcan8 says:

    So pretty! It’s like daffodil flowers growing on a shrub. These would make a lovely border hedge/privacy screen in an outdoor yard. I will have to check to see if there are discounts offered for multiples. Nice work design team!

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