The Underwater Ruins Castle is the latest Kinz Cottage!

May’s Kinz Cottage has arrived: Underwater Ruins Castle


There’s still some magic to be found within the walls of this coral-encrusted castle! Have your pet take their rightful seat inside this domed domicile!

Watch for the companion item, Fish King Statue, to be released next week!


You may find a new Kinz Cottage and companion item each month at eStore!


10 Responses to The Underwater Ruins Castle is the latest Kinz Cottage!

  1. dmcordoba says:

    When you click on the angle fish in the clubhouse and it says to claim your prize when you get the treasure chest…what is supposed to happen?

  2. percaroma says:

    this post will work for one of my questions. Why do my fish require a bubble in the Underwater Ruins Clubhouse room? Why is my walrus always in a bubble whether on land or underwater? What happened to Fiona Feather letters/questions? Where do we go to get questions answered? many times people ask things under multiple postings to get an answer but don’t get a response.

  3. KarenaJ says:

    If you put your pet into this castle while it’s wearing the flower pot hat, it looks like there’s a flower pot on the upper balcony! Ha!

    • babyssss says:

      I know this doesn’t belong here, but I hope it is ok? I would like to ask my friends if they would become a friend to my daughter? Her user name is donnalynn1018. Some of you have already responded, I want to thank you. The WebKinz family is the best ever!! When they are asked for something, they give without any thought.

  4. kaitgomez says:

    Loving all the new underwater themed items!

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