May’s Kinz Cottage has arrived: Underwater Ruins Castle
There’s still some magic to be found within the walls of this coral-encrusted castle! Have your pet take their rightful seat inside this domed domicile!
Watch for the companion item, Fish King Statue, to be released next week!
You may find a new Kinz Cottage and companion item each month at eStore!
When you click on the angle fish in the clubhouse and it says to claim your prize when you get the treasure chest…what is supposed to happen?
this post will work for one of my questions. Why do my fish require a bubble in the Underwater Ruins Clubhouse room? Why is my walrus always in a bubble whether on land or underwater? What happened to Fiona Feather letters/questions? Where do we go to get questions answered? many times people ask things under multiple postings to get an answer but don’t get a response.
1. Good question. 2. Because on land, they need to be in one. 3. They stopped doing that like a couple of years ago along with the movie showcases & fan videos, it’s sad. =(
OH, well it’s an indoor room
My turtle has a bubble in the underwater ruins clubhouse, too. Maybe it’s easier for the designers to have the room that way. I’ve also noted a lot of the on game fun stuff has moved to Next.
If you put your pet into this castle while it’s wearing the flower pot hat, it looks like there’s a flower pot on the upper balcony! Ha!
I know this doesn’t belong here, but I hope it is ok? I would like to ask my friends if they would become a friend to my daughter? Her user name is donnalynn1018. Some of you have already responded, I want to thank you. The WebKinz family is the best ever!! When they are asked for something, they give without any thought.
Too cool!
Loving all the new underwater themed items!
Me too!