The Webkinz Glitter Fawn has arrived in Webkinz World!

Introducing the Glitter Fawn, a scintillating pet with a sparkling personality to match! Tag along as they speed across town in their beautiful Starry Car, and be sure to bring lots of Twinkling Truffles, their favorite treat, too!


You may find this pet and more at eStore!




23 Responses to The Webkinz Glitter Fawn has arrived in Webkinz World!

  1. tinygma says:

    I know this is off the subject but I need to let a friend know why I can’t come to partys . When there are partys and she leaves me alone then the loot bag times till the last number and disapears ! I don’t get it even if I was in the room the full party time. With the Care hearts emptying all the way I need to do them . I am sure both problems will get fixed it all takes time . But I use a laptop and a 6 inch tablet at the same time to get done. I would never get the 10 care hearts if I didn’t . The REQUEST for a sink and Corderoy pants and black shoes were so hard. They were small hard to see and I did time out a few times buying them and then dressing pets , We need more time ! Simple stuff it’s ok for time but extra stuff is so hard.

    • TheMamaDragon says:

      Don’t kill yourself trying to fulfill their every wish or keep their hunger sated. The hunger is glitched and persistence will get you those prizes, there’s not an end date on earning them.

  2. tinygma says:

    This matches the Nafaria Sparkle Slippers that also sparkle and the Halloween purple wave hair from last year ;)

  3. latigers45 says:

    I love it.

  4. FoxesRule612 says:

    So cute! If only they made more non-girly pets that aren’t dogs….or Estore!

  5. TigerKinzKG says:

    Aww!!! It’s soooooooooo cute!!!!

  6. kittimama says:

    So pretty!!

  7. Pinkroses9872002 says:

    So cute!!!

  8. migrubbs says:

    I’m going to get this fawn next month and name her Sugar Belle from My Little Pony G2.

  9. CaramelKisses33 says:

    *gasp* I love this pet! It’s so sparkly and cute! I really wish I could get estore points, but it’s still really fun looking at them! (:

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