The Winter Tortoise arrives in Webkinz World January 1, 2025!



You’ll be riding waves of excitement when you adopt the wonderful Winter Tortoise into your family of Webkinz pets! When this water-loving wanderer is feeling a little lethargic, a quick dip in their Midnight Ice Pool will be really re-invigorating! After a short shivery swim, your tortoise will want something to eat that’s equally refreshing, like their favorite: a Frozen Flower Lolly!



You may find this pet and more at both W-Shop and Ganz eStore starting January 1, 2025!


23 Responses to The Winter Tortoise arrives in Webkinz World January 1, 2025!

  1. rachelgirl192 says:

    I have been waiting fot this since it was announced, I will get it later today. I was just wondering, since its name is “Tortoise”, but it does have a pool: Tortoise, in British English, is the name for those creatures who do NOT swim (the ones who swim are turtles, which is the name for both tortoises and turtles in American English), so I was surprised that it comes with a pool…

    • FuzzyBunnyPink says:

      Yeah I thought it was a little weird it came with a pool as well but tortoises do like to sit in shallow water. I used to have a tortoise and you have to give them water to soak in a few times a week. So maybe it’s just for sitting in not swimming. I thought it was a little weird to have a winter tortoise pet since they are cold blooded and hibernate in the winter although I’m not sure if all tortoises hibernate maybe there are some that don’t. But it is a really cute pet and I love tortoises and will probably get it sometime!

      • rachelgirl192 says:

        Ah, this is interesting about the tortoises (sitting in shallow water). I didn’t know that. I wondered about the winter and hibernation as well, but obviously the winter tortoises on webkinz are a very special breed and they are different. In any way, they are super cute, and I adopted mine today! it is called Snappy. It has two rooms, a bedroom and an outdoor room, since I could not place the pool in the indoor room (like a spa). I might send Michael the room designs, but then again, he does not seem to like my latest room designs, he has not shown any of those I sent him last year.

      • rachelgirl193 says:

        Oh, and if you want to get it, there is a code for 10% off (shown in estore underneath the tortoise), which is still valid today!

        • FuzzyBunnyPink says:

          Yeah I didn’t know tortoises liked to sit in water either until I got one! although I just noticed it says water-loving in the description for the winter tortoise and even though they like to sit in water a little I don’t think I would call them water loving. Oh well this one must be different I guess. Another cool fact about tortoises is that they were the first earth creatures to go to space! I think it would be cool if they made a space or starry tortoise sometime! And that is a cute name for your tortoise. I would love to see your rooms you should send them in! And thanks for the info about the code!

  2. LivingAloha says:

    Those floor tiles are awesome!!! And what a pretty pool!!

  3. Strawberrykinz72 says:

    Hi friends! Happy New Year to everyone! I just bought my deluxe membership for the upcoming year (March-when my current membership expires. Will I receive the extra slide in March at time of renewal? I already have a Cookie Tree from this year. Or… do I get the tree because I purchased today instead of tomorrow? Should I have waited to purchase tomorrow to be eligible for the slide? Thanks for any information. :-)

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      Hi Strawberrykinz – hope your holidays are going well. I believe if you purchased the Deluxe on Dec. 31 with the intent to activate it later in 2025 you will get the Googles Tree because it was bought in 2024. Deluxe purchased Jan. 1 will receive the 20 year Slide with the bonus Slide Hat. It can sound confusing because I also take advantage of the half off price and hold it for a few month until I need to use it.

      • Strawberrykinz72 says:

        Thank you Alphacat! I realized I should’ve waited until New Years Day to purchase. I assume I will miss out on the hat. That’s really disappointing. All is well here! Hope you are too! Also, Thank you for the music stands last week! really appreciate them!

  4. frankie98 says:

    Love the PSI, so pretty. Also love the Trees, is that a wallpaper?

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      Hi there frankie! How are you? I think the taller ones might be the candy trees that are part of that theme. Don’t they look amazing? There isn’t anything else like them – such a visually stunning design.

  5. pittiesrule says:

    This pet is really cute.

  6. Resonatingthunder says:

    These winter pet PSIs are GORGEOUS!!

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      I agree – the PSIs for the Winter Squirrel and the Tortoise are just amazing in design – some of the best I’ve seen. The Ganz Creative team has really shown their artistic talents with these two pets.

  7. patchts says:

    I love turtles so much, I have to have tis little one,

  8. mfaull says:

    Yay! I have been wondering about this! Hoping to have enough points!!

  9. davids1lilpixie says:

    Awwwww!!! Think I’m going to have to have one of these adorable cuties! ^o^

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