Webkinz WIGS are here!



WIGS for your Webkinz!


Ever wondered what your Webkinz might look like with a cool new hairdo?


Whether you prefer the flowery braid of the Beautiful Brunette Wig, the poofy curls of the Pink Princess Wig or the sassy updo of the Stylish Blonde Wig, you may find the perfect style for your Webkinz at eStore!






You may find these wigs and more at eStore!



64 Responses to Webkinz WIGS are here!

  1. SnowBunny1997 says:

    They’re cool, but what about for boys?

  2. shalta321 says:

    I adore them, good work Ganz

  3. Ana_Cuautle says:

    I bought the brown one. It’s really cool but kinda short.

  4. tntmonton says:

    I hope you add a blue one.

  5. dinosaurtracker13 says:

    The Kinz’ characters look nice with hairdos and all, but that’s because they’re ON TWO LEGS! Four-legged pets don’t have hair, and they don’t look very good with it . . .

  6. Serendipitydoda says:

    I’m with Jenny17 a couple comments up. Wigs/hair for my pets? Interesting…for my female pets. But, what about my male pets? Don’t they rate some hair too?

  7. sweetsierra11 says:

    wish they would make at least some in the w shop, premium members get all the breaks, :(. there use to be almost nothing premium member, everyone was equal. Soon everything that is at least a little cute or cool will be premium and it’ll just be another one of those websites like fantage.com that have barely anything for the kids that don’t want to waste their money on something that you just use as a time waster. I love webkinz so much! I hope they don’t ruin it. :’(.

  8. tori1234565 says:

    how do get them I must get them all

  9. dogloverjessie says:

    cute, but animals dont wear hair…

  10. sweetcupcake16 says:

    Cool!!! :D How many points do they cost???

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