• Five- Star Naming! •

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives • Five- Star Naming! •

This topic contains 33 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  rockerz_petz 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #647612


    Cool shop! Can I help u?


    1. #651124

      dawndrop16 wrote on 2012-08-15 at 12:15 AM

      StarlightMagic wrote on 2012-08-11 at 06:25 PM

      dawndrop16 wrote on 2012-08-11 at 12:52 AM
      Hi SM! Clever name for your forum, by the way. =) Anyways, can I get some human names for a girl American Cocker Spaniel? Thanks in advance!

      Hi Dawn! Thanks!
      Ok, here are the names:
      . Ella
      . Millie
      . Rochelle
      . Bella
      . Tess
      . Mimi (kinda not human but thought I’d throw it it!)
      . Skye
      . Abbi
      . Adela
      . Penelope (Penny)
      . Summer
      . Helen
      . Sarah
      . Mel
      . Josie
      . Lulu
      . Lilac
      . Sophie
      . Demi
      . Jazmine
      . Tayla
      If you need more, just ask! ☺

      Wow, those are really great names! I think I might go with Rochelle or Tayla. Thanks so much!

      Thank you do much! I’m glad you like my names. ☺

    2. #650786


      StarlightMagic wrote on 2012-08-11 at 06:25 PM

      dawndrop16 wrote on 2012-08-11 at 12:52 AM
      Hi SM! Clever name for your forum, by the way. =) Anyways, can I get some human names for a girl American Cocker Spaniel? Thanks in advance!

      Hi Dawn! Thanks!
      Ok, here are the names:
      . Ella
      . Millie
      . Rochelle
      . Bella
      . Tess
      . Mimi (kinda not human but thought I’d throw it it!)
      . Skye
      . Abbi
      . Adela
      . Penelope (Penny)
      . Summer
      . Helen
      . Sarah
      . Mel
      . Josie
      . Lulu
      . Lilac
      . Sophie
      . Demi
      . Jazmine
      . Tayla
      If you need more, just ask! ☺


      Wow, those are really great names! I think I might go with Rochelle or Tayla. Thanks so much!


    3. #649694

      Anyone need names?

    4. #649619

      OceanStar wrote on 2012-08-12 at 07:47 AM

      Hi SM! Congrats on your forum! Can I have a name for a Sapphire Pegasus? (not Sapphire!! =P) Unique names, it is a girl, she is kinda shy but really friendly and nice =)

      Ok! I can do it now! :)

      . Jolie (pretty in French)
      . Ciara (see-a-ra)
      . Mysti
      . Luna
      . Mystic Moon
      . Celeste (means Blue)
      . Zara (blossom or flower)
      . Shimmering Cloud
      . Jeweled Hooves/ Wings
      . Lilac
      . Cloud
      . Cresent Moon (Cresent)
      . Imogen
      . Bejeweled Sea
      . Northern Star

      If you need more please ask!:)

    5. #649123


      StarlightMagic wrote on 2012-08-13 at 01:55 AM

      OceanStar wrote on 2012-08-12 at 07:47 AM
      Hi SM! Congrats on your forum! Can I have a name for a Sapphire Pegasus? (not Sapphire!! =P) Unique names, it is a girl, she is kinda shy but really friendly and nice =)

      Hey I’ll get on it ASAP but I have a BIGGGGG peformance I’d a few hours so plz hear me out! :)

      May I work here now?


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