♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♥ ♥ ♥Webkinz Fairy Godmother ♥ ♥ ♥

This topic contains 2,546 replies, has 340 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #776909


    Welcome my Webkinz Friends! So glad you decided to stop by and most will be happy you did. I decided to start my very first forum. Is there an item you just want so bad? An item that seems so far out of reach, because no one will trade you for it? Or, you’re just too new to Webkinz and don’t have much? Well you’ve come to the right place!!! Your Fairy Godmother is here to help. I have lot’s of stuff and NO I will not be listing what I have (you couldn’t handle it) LOL. All you have to do is make your wish here and If I have It, you just MAY receive It. And yes, you can make more than one wish. And everyone is welcome, everyone has a clean slate here. Only payment that I ask for is a sincere Thank You. Warning: All ungrateful people will be put on a list. Thank you for stopping by and “May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.”

    1. #779348


      OH MY, THANK YOU SO MUCH! wow your so nice, now i just have to get lucky and find someone willing to trade any cat and the witch hat and ill be happy forever!!! Your the best!

    2. #779355


      you are so amazing to be doing this for everyone!! My wishlist is a bit out of reach, but if you possibly own any of the following things, I would love to receive them. I don’t have nearly good enough things to trade for these items, but I can do my best :) Here it is: white bunny ears, purple spider web witch hat, and most of all a blooming dandelion!!!!! It is retired pet of the month and I need it for my hunger games room. I love that series as you may be able to tell from username :D You are one of the nicest, most generous people I have seen on here!!!! <3 <3 <3

    3. #779347


      Hi again Becky!!! I am truly not expecting you to send to me these things after you already granted my first(and totally out of reach) wish, but I thought I would post my wishlist here for you or someone else to possibly trade with me: Licorice dress, dj headphones, hypnotic glasses, and oympic pool(brown boston terrier psi). Ty SO so much again, and have an amazing day!!!! -dub

    4. #779345


      Wow Becky! When I got your gift I literally jumped up and down with happiness. I cannot even tell you how grateful I am. There is nothing else I could possibly ask from you. You have made my day and my time on webkinz SO much better. Is there anything at all I could give to you in return? I can’t believe what you’ve done for me!!! -Missy

      • #784701


        Awesome!!! So glad you are enjoying your wishes : )

    5. #779340


      Thanks so much for the outfit! Couldn’t find anyone that had it, thanks :)

      • #779857


        Hey cheekie, I still have Black Torn to send but wanted to know If you wanted the whole outfit or just the pants? LMK, If anything ever post again, LOL

        • #779897


          Hi, i don’t know if my other messages got through. So, i would really appreciate some of the items from the Build a fairy tale room theme! Thanks so much in advance! You are SO generous! Username: sigsongboy

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