♥ ~ Looking For Persian Items ~ ♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♥ ~ Looking For Persian Items ~ ♥

This topic contains 43 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Chelsea315 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #664054


    I have the embroided Persian pedestal.

    1. #674410


      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-10-05 at 10:09 AM

      PinkFrosyCupcake0 wrote on 2012-10-02 at 06:22 PM

      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-10-02 at 07:41 AM

      PinkFrosyCupcake0 wrote on 2012-10-01 at 07:57 PM

      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-10-01 at 04:10 PM

      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-10-01 at 07:11 AM

      PinkFrosyCupcake0 wrote on 2012-09-30 at 09:19 PM

      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-09-30 at 08:51 PM

      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-09-12 at 06:13 PM

      PinkFrosyCupcake0 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 09:45 PM
      Hey everyone!!! I really like the Pillows guys! JLMK what you guys want for them!! Here’s what I’m liking if you guys like it!
      Blue Minaret Vase
      Desert Destiny Window
      Feast of Fruit Table
      Flying Cozy Carpet
      Golden Oil Lamp of Persia
      Jade Persian Rug
      Magnificent Iwan Rest Bed
      Persian Palace Flooring
      Pile of Persian Pillows
      Sandstone Spa
      Sofreh Dining Table
      Sultan’s Settee
      Takht Throne
      Violet Persian Rug
      Persian Palace Wallpaper.

      i have the pillows
      I TOTALLY need some other rares…..
      PLMKASAP what other Rares or PSI u got that will be fair to u

      I was the one who said I had the pillows first!!!!!!!!!!!

      What are yu wanting for it?

      What would u think that’s fair to u

      how about the Elegant Asian Headress????? or is that 2 much and i will need to add???

      Depends how many pillows you have. If just one LMK what you’d add.

      I only have one so how about woke clothes…
      charm fairy shoes
      Viking helmet
      Q.Marie’s periwig
      any of those interest u?????

      Not yet, do you have anything else? LMK, Thanks!

      I just woke up so sorry!!!!!!!
      We’ll….. do u want any small psi????????

      Its been 7 days!!!!!!!!
      c’mon plmkasap!!!!!

    2. #674231


      PinkFrosyCupcake0 wrote on 2012-09-30 at 07:58 PM

      General Tradelist:
      Tasteful & Tasty Tea Set
      Fancy Fountain
      Golden Pot of Coins Fridge
      (3) Carot Spring Chair
      (2) Looney Round Rugs
      Ambulance Car (Expired?)
      Rainbow Coffee Table (Expired?)
      Elephant Fountain (Expired?)
      Dex Dangerous Space Fighter (Expired?)
      Rainbow Beach Lounge
      Greasy Grill (Rare)
      Caring & Sharing Television (NVGO)
      Webkinz Cares Sofa (NVGO)
      Fun to Care Amoire (NVGO)
      Jar Of Sand
      Plumpy’s Engagement Bracelet

      I offer cat cukoo clock for ambulance.

    3. #671675

      Hi there again! i really loved your carved gem fountain. I can offer two Piles of Persian Pillows for it, LMK!

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