♥ My wishlist ~ seeds! ♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♥ My wishlist ~ seeds! ♥

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  LambTyler 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #765592


    I need some seeds for my yard and to complete my collection, the only ones I need are the: Caramel apple seeds
    Extra cheese macaroni seeds
    Ice cream sandwich seeds
    Jelly Bean plant seeds
    Magic been seeds
    And sour gumball seeds which have just come to the e-store and are tradeable! So if you have any of these please tell me! :D

    1. #766004


      I don’t have any but I have the sushi

      • #766497


        I got the sushi already from the flower event and I don’t think they can be sent. But thanks! Maybe we can trade another time, I will check out your forums :)

    2. #765973


      I also forgot to mention the kinzcash coin seeds! Those ones are awesome :)

    3. #765922


      Hi Lamb I don’t think the estore seeds can be sent, but I will check. I think we got the mac and bean ones from challenges. I’ll see what I can do, TTYL DF

      • #766248


        Yes I realize some can’t be sent :( But the magic gumball seeds are at the e-store and say tradeable so maybe those ones. We didn’t get the macoroni seeds in a challenge but I we got the bean seeds before and I wasn’t here for that challenge so I really want those ones. And thanks so much for the wings! :) I don’t want to start asking for stuff but do you have the Alyssa boot things that went with the dress or the pink poodle shoes? And I will probably make another forum soon cause I am trying to finish my Egyptian and kooky scientist rooms. Thanks! :D ♥♥

      • #767247


        And hey! I feel sad right now ugh :( Ladygaudiel’s forum is going up really fast (as in a lot of people are replying) and there seems to be a lot of people who have Christmas countdown items. I need those to. I don’t suppose you have any of the countdown items from 2009, 2010 and some from 2011? I hope you can help me with everything, even though I feel like I am being a little bit greedy. Thanks.

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