♪ TRADING TIME! Post what YOU are looking for and what you have here! ♪

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♪ TRADING TIME! Post what YOU are looking for and what you have here! ♪

This topic contains 267 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  SuperWebkinz 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #664093

    I’m looking for these
    Pink bunny ears
    Hula outfit
    Rock outfit
    Poncho’s shawl
    Lion costume
    Hippo costume
    Any rockerz pet clothes
    I have so many psi that I would love to trade for these LMK :)

    1. #666121


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-09-14 at 08:39 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-14 at 05:55 PM
      Lol I have to go :P Seems we can’t find a time we can both go on, so maybe we should just KP? LMK if that is ok with, I don’t mind sending first :) Was the friend request I got today from you? LMK, and I would have to send the catwalk, seeds, and treadmill in one package and the mysterious pool the next day in another package if we KP :)
      SW :)

      I apologize, I just cant like get it together the past couple of weeks LOL!! Yes that was from me, I am bratz2189 :P I don’t have any problem doing KP, as long as you’re good with it :P Again, I am sorry, it’s just been incredibly busy around here since school started :(

      Nutty- Really, its fine! :) And I know what you mean about being busy, trust me lol. I have no idea how I’m going to squeeze in all this homework with a soccer game, day long riding competition, and preparing the horses for the show tomorrow. Lol ;) I just kinz posted the catwalk, seeds, and treadmill, and I will post the pool tomorrow as soon as I can :) or I can post the pool to a secondary account if you have one, which you could send then to your prime account if you have more than one account, JLMK :) thanks!

      Guest- If you have any of these, I will happily trade the pot of gold pond and can possibly add too :)
      mystical mouse shoes
      any priceless
      rare psi (signature, estore, or regular cool psi)
      rare clothing
      LMK if you have any of these, thanks!

      SW :)

    2. #666024


      Nutty – are you having here or anywhere else? Lost track of you have been off with sick granbabe’s

    3. #665999


      mislev wrote on 2012-09-14 at 05:23 PM

      these r the things im looking for right now
      T-shirt kinzcostumes:
      mad Scientist Goggles**
      safari jacket, shorts, safari hiking boots
      scuba belt***
      Adventure park items:
      Crystal Treasure
      Rainbow Machine
      mini quest prizes – Crocodile Lantern, Raziel Rain Jacket, Salley’s Seashell Art, The Amazing Escape
      some digging prizes (but not daily digging prizes)
      for AP items i have other AP prizes and PSIs plus plushes, rares, exclusives and kinzstyle clothes
      and clothes for the kinzcostumes like shuts, infant, pink ears, animal parts
      LMK what u have and what u want for it….


      I can send you a quest (if you want) for the AP mini quest that has the rain jacket as the prize…..then you can get some digging prizes too….??? LMK I haven’t even started the quest with the pet yet but the mini quest is there waiting to be sent out…LMK and if you want to “do” the quest AND get the prize and dig prizes, if you do, I will send it to you, if you don’t want to do the quest, I will send to another account, do it and send you the jacket cuz I will wind up with 2 lolz :) like I said, LMK :P

      PS: is the sally sea shell art a prize or a dig prize??

    4. #665991


      mislev wrote on 2012-09-14 at 05:23 PM

      these r the things im looking for right now
      T-shirt kinzcostumes:
      mad Scientist Goggles**
      safari jacket, shorts, safari hiking boots
      scuba belt***
      Adventure park items:
      Crystal Treasure
      Rainbow Machine
      mini quest prizes – Crocodile Lantern, Raziel Rain Jacket, Salley’s Seashell Art, The Amazing Escape
      some digging prizes (but not daily digging prizes)
      for AP items i have other AP prizes and PSIs plus plushes, rares, exclusives and kinzstyle clothes
      and clothes for the kinzcostumes like shuts, infant, pink ears, animal parts
      LMK what u have and what u want for it….

      I have the rain jacket- do u have any sig? Otherwise I could do it for shuts jlmk ~mortonhippo~

    5. #665988


      SW what do you want for your pot of gold pond


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