♪ TRADING TIME! Post what YOU are looking for and what you have here! ♪

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ♪ TRADING TIME! Post what YOU are looking for and what you have here! ♪

This topic contains 267 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  SuperWebkinz 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #664093

    I’m looking for these
    Pink bunny ears
    Hula outfit
    Rock outfit
    Poncho’s shawl
    Lion costume
    Hippo costume
    Any rockerz pet clothes
    I have so many psi that I would love to trade for these LMK :)

    1. #669702


      mislev wrote on 2012-09-28 at 05:14 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-28 at 04:12 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-25 at 04:10 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-09-24 at 11:20 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-24 at 05:23 PM
      Does anyone have wacky or menorahs for trade? I can offer lots :) JLMK!
      SW :)

      Which menorah are you looking for? I got 2 as a birthday present and need only one :) LMK, maybe we could do that for swirl?? If not, I promise I will make myself make time to post a list lolz :)

      Hi NB! Lol I am trying to start a collection of all of them, so far I only have the golden-ish one from last year ;) If you have one of the older ones, like the silver menorah, I would definitely trade my swirl :) JLMK, lol and do you have any idea what the older ones are worth? Because I have no clue lol :P
      SW :)

      JLMK as soon as you can NB :)
      SW :)

      SW…I was checking values the 2006 silver menorah is value @ about 150,000…….so more then a good deal for swirl
      hope this helps…

      Oh ok thanks mislev! :D

      SW :)

    2. #669700


      belle1210 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 04:15 PM

      heya! here is my list of trading items:
      WZ jeans
      Year 2 red and green christmas tree
      Tranquil television
      Frozen pond
      Majestic soaring sofa
      Playful pup topping
      Big bark tower
      Leaping dolphin fountain
      Golden honey waterfall
      Rockin recording booth
      Strawberry bubble bath
      Baby blue bumper car
      Jungle cat perch

      Hi! I really really need your wacky :) Since it’s my biggest want at the moment, I can offer any 3 or maybe 4 of these depending on which if your interested :)
      blue infant
      pink infant
      signature woodland raccoon psi
      pink bunny
      desert amethyst hat
      or maybe swirl if I don’t trade it :) JLMK!

      SW :)

    3. #669697


      mislev wrote on 2012-09-28 at 05:04 PM

      belle1210 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 04:15 PM
      heya! here is my list of trading items:
      WZ jeans
      Year 2 red and green christmas tree
      Tranquil television
      Frozen pond
      Majestic soaring sofa
      Playful pup topping
      Big bark tower
      Leaping dolphin fountain
      Golden honey waterfall
      Rockin recording booth
      Strawberry bubble bath
      Baby blue bumper car
      Jungle cat perch

      belle…just wondering what u r looking for the yr 2 christmas tree? i would love to get but not sure i would have anything u would want….but i gotta at least try….

      Hmm… do you have any priceless? I could add

    4. #669695


      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-28 at 04:12 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-25 at 04:10 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-09-24 at 11:20 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-09-24 at 05:23 PM
      Does anyone have wacky or menorahs for trade? I can offer lots :) JLMK!
      SW :)

      Which menorah are you looking for? I got 2 as a birthday present and need only one :) LMK, maybe we could do that for swirl?? If not, I promise I will make myself make time to post a list lolz :)

      Hi NB! Lol I am trying to start a collection of all of them, so far I only have the golden-ish one from last year ;) If you have one of the older ones, like the silver menorah, I would definitely trade my swirl :) JLMK, lol and do you have any idea what the older ones are worth? Because I have no clue lol :P
      SW :)

      JLMK as soon as you can NB :)
      SW :)

      SW…I was checking values the 2006 silver menorah is value @ about 150,000…….so more then a good deal for swirl
      hope this helps…

    5. #669690


      belle1210 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 04:15 PM

      heya! here is my list of trading items:
      WZ jeans
      Year 2 red and green christmas tree
      Tranquil television
      Frozen pond
      Majestic soaring sofa
      Playful pup topping
      Big bark tower
      Leaping dolphin fountain
      Golden honey waterfall
      Rockin recording booth
      Strawberry bubble bath
      Baby blue bumper car
      Jungle cat perch

      belle…just wondering what u r looking for the yr 2 christmas tree? i would love to get but not sure i would have anything u would want….but i gotta at least try….

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