_- Gothic Window – _ ~Goldstar2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives _- Gothic Window – _ ~Goldstar2

This topic contains 36 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  AguariaKee 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #653179

    Hi, Goldstar! What is this Gothic Window? Do you mean the Nafaria’s Stained Glass Window? If so, I have four of those that I don’t really need that I can send over to you. PLMK if that’s the one you’re talking about. :D

    1. #653238


      cheynne wrote on 2012-08-18 at 08:18 PM

      Goldstar – what Gothic Window, does the Neo Gothic have a new window or is this something else?

      LOL! Ok, the gothic window is a retired Halloween item from 2007 :) I have one, but I need more to finish a room I’m making :) It has a moon in it and it’s blue and grey . :D

      Jennah- Explanation up there :D thank u for being generous though ! :) your so nice :D

    2. #653232


      gothic window is 2007 halloween window.. quite rare

    3. #653227


      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-18 at 08:10 PM

      Hi, Goldstar! What is this Gothic Window? Do you mean the Nafaria’s Stained Glass Window? If so, I have four of those that I don’t really need that I can send over to you. PLMK if that’s the one you’re talking about. :D

      I need a nafaira window I have been looking for one forever so please add me and send to Cady623 I will so send you some clothing and stuff back

    4. #653184


      Goldstar – what Gothic Window, does the Neo Gothic have a new window or is this something else?

    5. #653179

      Hi, Goldstar! What is this Gothic Window? Do you mean the Nafaria’s Stained Glass Window? If so, I have four of those that I don’t really need that I can send over to you. PLMK if that’s the one you’re talking about. :D

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