A passion for Peresophones fashion

Home Forums Suggestions – Archives A passion for Peresophones fashion

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  artestgrl 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #835366


    I love fashion on webkinz world. I started 8 years ago and I have always loved the fashion line. For all 8 years of playing I’ve always wished they would have Peresophones shop available. I was, at first, thrilled to see they had added it. That is until I saw it was DELUXE only. A lot of people can’t afford deluxe. I mean, we’ve already paid for the stuffed animal and code, now we have to pay to enjoy the game even though we already have? I didn’t know was a tax on fun! I’m sure many loyal citizens feel the same way. – a disappointed citizen.

    1. #854964


      JAZZberry1 I can get u a cheerleading skirt if u tell me ur username

    2. #853895


      maybe you guys could get an allowance from your parents and pay for it. that’s what I do. and I only get ten dollars a week. If its $50 a year that’s only a little bit over a month of allowance if you love it that much. just saying, if you collect a little $ here and there, you can afford it, it is pretty cheap.

    3. #840748

      Everything is deuxe now it is no fair

    4. #835759

      I am also disapointed. I just recently went into Faishion on webby world. My fav, outfit on WW is on my favorite pet, Mo- an emerald lab (apperently someone already had that name for that pet, so dont go all like “HEY! you coppied my friend’s name! how dareth thee!” i didnt mean to. it’s short for Molly but that was too girly for her.), with the outfit of Swimsuit Top (TY Narnian100 so much!), Charm Tiara (TY becky!), WZ Jeans (TY person i traded with xD), that purple sparkly butterfly belt from the Estore, SLips, and Shuts (oopz i forgot i traded that)

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