Adopting a Pet

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This topic contains 341 replies, has 203 voices, and was last updated by  jujubeandlily 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858313

    Key Master
    1. #874582


      I don’t know where to put this, so i’ll just post here: WEBKINZ WONT LOAD! I have two pets to adopt. the problem- 15 minuets after I log in, its still loading. then, after lots of trial and error (and waiting), I see my pet load! then- “Making the bed…” room loading appears. That never loads. when I DO FINNALY log in, the adoption center won’t load. I still have two pets I need to adopt, and then I want to play with them (all 14!) so could you do anything? just asking.

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      • #1004933


        I tried 30 min and still wont load i tried on google and firefox. What is wrong with webkinz?!?!

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      • #1107515

        14! That’s a lot of webkinz pets. I have only over 50!

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      • #2526386


        Sorry that this is totally not the right place, but I’m confused. I just bought a first edition Mazin’ Hamster and it’s never been opened, but I can’t find where the heck I’m supposed to put it’s code. Can I not adopt it?

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    2. #873792

      I bought a pet a second hand store with tags still on it. For some reason the secret code isn’t working and Ms Birdie said there’s something wrong.

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      • #874372


        Ok, all I can really think of is that the owner of the Webkinz before used the tag and then put it back on. Maybe you can email Ganz and they’ll give you a new code?

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      • #878279


        thats the same problem i have i bought a blue hippo at a store but when i typed in the code it said i adopted it but i don’t see it any where

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        • #878294


          yay! there is someone alive on webkinz newz or are you a robot,oh well i rather not know. anyways the w-shop won’t lode.i just adopted 3 new pets and they need some things in their rooms.right now i have been using the w-shop on the webkinz mobile app but i like to test things out and if i don’t like them i sell them and i can’t sell items on the mobile app.please could you fixe the problem it has been going on for at least 2 months now. i am CatLoverKG. thank you! bye!

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          • #878295


            opps,i put that in the wrong place! sorry ganz,i will put the

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      • #1792120


        So like the toy was already used? if so, it probably got used by the previous owner!

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    3. #873310


      I don’t know where to put this question, so I guess I’ll ask here. I have so many signatures that I haven’t adopted yet. Currently I’m looking for CREATIVE or UNIQUE name suggestions for these pets: brown bear, snow leopard, ocelot and small sea turtle. Thanks <3

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      • #873968


        how about snowlyia (pronounced snow-ly-a) for a girl snow leopard or blizzard for a boy snow leopard and honybun for a girl brown bear. that is all i have! HOPE I HELPED ZINZOGS! also add me CatLoverKG on webkinz! :D :D :D

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        • #874373


          Those are all so cute! Thanks! I’ll add you :D

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          • #874672


            your welcome,zinzogs!

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      • #873937


        Hi zinzogs, You would normally put this in the My Pets, Name Suggestions forum, but it’s fine that you asked here! :) Here are some name suggestions for your pets: (I love giving name suggestions!!) Brown Bear: Brownie, Bob, Fierce, Dagger, Manly, Quix, Chocolate Milk, or Sandy. Snow Leapord: Snowy, Blizzard, Shimmer, Blue Spot, Avalanche, Sparkle, or Sarah. Ocelot: Aztec, Spot, Pounce, Big Cat, Milly, Billy, Aaron, Emily, Mr. Awesome, or Fierce Cutie. Small Sea Turtle: Salty, Sandy, Blue, Wave, Ocean, Aqua, Shelly, Sheldon, or Elizabeth. Hope that helps! :) If you don’t like these and want more, just ask, I’m sure I can think of more! :)

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        • #874364


          Thank you! Those are all amazing! I think i’ll use Avalanche for my Snow Leopard :D

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          • #875175


            You’re welcome! :) I’m glad I helped! Now my job as pet name-person is really in action! LOL! :) I post names for every pet in their comments sections in the Kinzapedia, but I have not finished yet. I’m am SOOO glad I helped! :D Just ask if you ever need any more! :D

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      • #873765


        brown bear : toby or autumn . snow leopard : jewel or ice , I know these names aren’t very unique but it was all I culd come up with. :) friend me at mollyberge :)

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        • #874363


          Thank a lot! I really like Toby for the brown bear. I’ll be sure to friend you :D

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        • #879860


          Oh, style808, shouldn’t that be ‘mollyberger’ not ‘mollyberge’? I think you are on my friends list, and if so, then that is how the username should read. :)

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      • #1004959


        Maybe for the turtle grassy cuz turtles are green? I need a name for a Rockerz zebra.

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      • #1151765


        Ocelot: Cuddly

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      • #1368740


        Where did you find the ocelot?

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      • #1368742


        Does anyone know where I can buy a Signature ocelot for $20 or less? I’m broke

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      • #2449879


        I have pet turtles named Shelly and Sheldon!

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    4. #873138

      I cant seem to find the adoptiin center.

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      • #873309


        OK, to get to the adoption center you can first log on, then click on the tab (located on the top of your dock) “Things To Do.” If you don’t know there’s a lot of activities to do in Webkinz World sorted under categories like “Earn KinzCash” and “Explore.” The Adoption Center is located under the category of “Use a Code.” I know of one other way to get there too. On the Things To Do tab, under Explore, click on The Map of Kinzville. If you haven’t arranged your map yet, drag and drop The Adoption Center onto the map display. Then simply click on it.

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        • #873933


          Took the words right out of my mouth, zinzogz! :)

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    5. #872592

      If you have any questions about adopting a pet, here’s the place!

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      • #873966


        well,my charcole cat did not come with a gift box! i know i adopted him last year and he is my second pet but i was new then and did not know webkinz were supposed to come with gift boxes or that there was a webkinz newz. i really want his psi! could you please give me a late gift box or could one of my friends send it to me.PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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        • #874360


          Don’t worry about that, it’s a pretty common glitch in Webkinz World. All you have to do is email Ganz and tell them about your problem:

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          • #874379


            thank you zinzogs!

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      • #875106


        How can I change the name for my pet?

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        • #875173


          I’m sorry kelly1997hk, like Ms. Birdy always says, you have to make sure your pets name is your absolute favorite, because you can not ever change it. The only time your pets name ever changes from what you (or anyone else) named it, is when it is an inappropriate name, then ganz changes it.

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        • #892070


          I am not sure , but I really want to change my pets name. My friends older brother helped my friend I set up our accounts and he wrote my first pets name as “Rumble” but I wanted it “Runball” (the name of my old cat and a Chez cookie). If Ganz could change the name it would be great. I really can’t stand the name my gold and white cat has right now, don’t even know how to pronounce it, lol.

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          • #892079


            OOPS, I MENT “RUMBALL” WITH A “M”. =)

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      • #878278


        I adopted a hippo on my webkinz account and it showed me the certificate but when i clicked next it brought me back to the page to enter in a secret code again and i did not have my hippo, any help?

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        • #944696


          well that is just a glitch it happens to all of us.

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      • #890198


        Dear Gennelle Webkinz, when me and my brother went to the Play Now button to set up an account for him and clicked it, he was going to adopt a dog, but, instead, he found a bunch of really weird animals instead. What happened to the dog and cat?

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        • #891333


          Hey, unicorn2910! The reason there is no dog or cat anymore is because they changed it. Now you have some more, and even cooler Webkinz pets to choose from! Sorry your brother didn’t get what he wanted exactly, but there are some other breeds of dogs. Hope this helped, bye!

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      • #900691


        I adopted the fennca fox put in activities section it say I do not own the pet??? but do please help me Im missing pet of the month prizes bear3mdd

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        • #944697


          sorry for you.

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      • #903185

        I don’t know where to ask questions so im going to do it here. I adopted a pet and it showed the certificate confirming that I adopted it, then I clicked next. there was then two buttons that said either ” play now with this pet ” or ” adopt another pet ” I then clicked ” adopted another pet” because I had another pet to adopt. So when I was done adopting my second one I clicked on ” my pets” and my first one didn’t appear! it just disappeared! so I tried to enter the code again but it said I already used this code??? please help as quick as you can!

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        • #944698


          that will happen to you but once you go play with both of your pets you will be able to see all of them cause since you just adopted them they didn’t load so what i would do if this happens again is dont go fast but dont go really really slow go like your speed walking.

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      • #903454


        Gennelle, I became a Deluxe Member a few weeks ago. There are several pet gift boxes in my dock that I never adopted. One is the ginger cat and I believe there is a mouse too. Is it possible for webkinzworld to remove those boxes from my dock? And, I recommend the Deluxe Membership to everyone. Thank you in advance for helping me out. I enjoy your podcasts too!!1

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      • #915708


        I tried to buy furniture in the W shop, But Webkinz started forcing me to adopt a pet! But the don’t know how to adopt a pet!? There is no Webkinz plush pets in Granbury and Weatherford, Texas. And I’m to old for Webkinz.

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      • #922748

        How and where do I enter the secret adoption code please help

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      • #926194

        I adopted a free pet from Ms Birdy on 04/04/2015. The pet was a beautiful Pink Zebra. I wanted to change my user name and password from the first one I gave it, but I didn’t write the new user name and password down, because I stayed up to late and was tired. I thought I did, but I wrote so many different ones that I forgot which one they changed for me. I have tried all I know to do to get back my user name and password, but nothing works and I just can’t remember it. Webkinz is listening to my e-mail about this, but I haven’t received my pet back yet. It’s my pass word I’m stuck on and because it was free I don’t have a Secret Code for it. It is my fault not Webkinz’s. My phone shows my user name as the 1st original one, but I can’t figure out the pass word. Is there anything I can do? I already bought items for it and added one room. Thanks for listening. I feel so irresponsible and bad about this. I think of adopting another, but I’m afraid they won’t let me. And my Pink Zebra isn’t being fed or looked after. I feel aweful about this. I’ve learned my lesson; don’t make decisions when you are really tired. Sleep first and wake up fresh, then you can handle life. Thanks

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      • #932510


        So, as a veteran of Kinzville (registered all the way back in ’07), how would I go about getting one of those free pets that were later added?

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      • #937116

        How do I adopt my pet. I have a lama with a secret code. What do I do?

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      • #940561


        I had missed the date to adopt my Decade Dragon. Is it too late? I sure hope not. I had a name and everything picked out for it. Please let me know. I will be heartbroken if I can’t.

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      • #949157


        Ever since Webkinz X my pets’ dock has been getting in the way of some things in Webkinz World. Now I can’t adopt a pet because the things I need to click on are blocked by the dock!!! Please fix this!!!!!!!!

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      • #952565

        my daughter won a toy at school . she downloaded it to my phone then It said it doesn’t do secret code .so im on pc and I cant find where I put the secret code in …

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        • #1004958


          Go to the adoption center.

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          • #1220865


            Where IS the adoption center? I don’t see it anywhere.

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      • #957918


        My daughter just bought a pet and does not have an account. She went to start one and they want her to adopt another “free” pet from the adoption center. Can she start an account and enter her new pet code without adopting a free pet?

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        • #957984

          Sally Webkinz
          Key Master

          I answered in the other section, you asked, but just to repeat for others: Since we switched to the Freemium model, it’s not possible to start an account without adopting the free pet first. Your daughter can adopt her pet after setting up the account, which will give her full membership.

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      • #1113534


        Hi, I have adopted many pets on my account. But I recently got on and it says that I have to adopt pets to play the full version of the game thank you for reading. if you can help please do. have a nice day!

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        • #1113579

          Key Master

          Each pet you adopt gives you one year of full membership. If you adopt multiple pets, it’s still one year of full membership from the date of your last adoption. If you haven’t adopted a pet in the last year, your account will become a free account until you adopt another pet or go Deluxe. If you did adopt your last pet less than a year ago, contact so they can investigate.

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