Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives ADORABLE OUTFITS FOR ALL PETS!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ImaBeauty2 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #808532

    hello! welcome to sky high fashions! if you’re looking for an adorable outfit for any occasion, you’re in the right place! all you need to tell me is: pet gender/name/kind of pet, personality, what kind of outfit your looking for, favourite colors and budget!

    1. #811822

      Hi ImaBeauty2! this was a tricky one, I think a good fashion for your pet is: the Hit the club dress, Repunzel wig, high heel sandals, and city chic sunglasses. AND I’ll tell you current trends right now, Slips are popular and so are shuts and Repunzel Wigs is what everyone I hang out with wears. (I hope your deluxe! If not tell me and I’ll try again.) P.S since you asked, no I don’t clog. I’ve had my account for a long time and my sister gave it that name. I think it’s a name of a sandwich lol.

    2. #811235


      Hi! i have a white terrior named snowball, she prefers curent fashon trends, aquamarine, dresses, skirts and chocolate brown. by the way, are you an irish dancer? ty!

    3. #811240


      oh yea! my budget is around 2000 kinzkash so have fun with this one!!!!!!!!!

    4. #811172

      hello erinsoccerstar! I think the perfect outfit for your pet is: the baby doll sports dress (can be won on ganzworld.) the tween queen tiara (SPREE prize) and high heel sandals (kinzstyle outlet) and blooming sun glasses. it only costs about 270 KC because most of the pieces are prizes. I hope this helped, thank you and have a good day!

    5. #810263

      Hi! I would be glade if I can have a outfit! I need a outfit for Bella, my pink and white puppy she likes turquoise and pink, and I have 500 kinz cash but if the outfits a little bit more kinz cash I can play a game for more money. :)

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