Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives AIRS TRADE LIST!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Madukayil 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #813000

    trading candy dress (offer must include plumpy and army and a priceless hat I would really like elf hat I would add rainbow fountain.), wings, deluxe clothing, summer rose headband, some rockerz, a lot of psi, kinzstyle shop, mystery watermelon full, purple wizard full, mad scientist wig, exclusive items, drinking fountain im in kc plus btw too :33

    1. #813375

      sorry anything but candy dress I already traded D:

    2. #813362


      omg im interested in your wings!! PLMK what u want for them :) ~~Melody Dalmation

    3. #813357

      Hi! I don’t need any of your items, but I was wondering are you AirYourBestFriend…that Air? Just curious lol. Thanks. *~*DQ00*~*

    4. #813325


      i have some retired exclusives if your interested but just some i have been looking for this dress forever please reply and in the next post i will tell you what ones i just don’t wanna spend time typing if you don’t reply any ways my user is bvcvbbvcc

    5. #813307


      i don’t suppose you’d trade estore points for my slips? (if you have some and want to)

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