Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ALL TRADERS WELCOME! ☺☻♥

This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  AliceInWebkinzland 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #688134


    I am looking for these items:

    Komrad Couch
    Precious Pink Bumper Car
    Baby Blue Bumper Car
    Boxing Ring Trampoline
    Designer Catwalk
    Red Velvet Couch
    Rockabilly Rooster Truck

    Please lmk if anyone has these. Thanks, Cruisingal

    1. #688406


      bamboo578 wrote on 2012-12-11 at 12:06 AM

      cruisingal wrote on 2012-12-10 at 10:23 AM
      My Trade List Part 2:
      Snowy Camp Site PSI
      Down Under Burrow
      High Heel Chair
      Jelly Bean Tree
      Dignified Dreams Bed
      Sleeping Dragon Bed
      Vortex Unit
      Jolly Roger Roller
      Day Outdoors Bath Tub
      Jelly Bean Big Screen
      Catnip Canopy Gazebo
      Amanda Panda Chest
      Underpass Hideaway
      Bejeweled Coffee Table
      Emerald TV
      Vip Booth
      Magic 9 Ball
      Autumn Paw Print window (2)
      Webkinz Dragster
      Nafaria window
      Nafaria Plush
      Ghost Plush
      Ms. Birdy Home sweet Home sign

      I am interested in your cursed cradle and bejeweled coffee table.

      Hey Bamboo, my wish list is above. Do you have anything from my list? Please lmk. Thanks, Cruisingal

    2. #688400


      cruisingal wrote on 2012-12-10 at 10:23 AM

      My Trade List Part 2:
      Snowy Camp Site PSI
      Down Under Burrow
      High Heel Chair
      Jelly Bean Tree
      Dignified Dreams Bed
      Sleeping Dragon Bed
      Vortex Unit
      Jolly Roger Roller
      Day Outdoors Bath Tub
      Jelly Bean Big Screen
      Catnip Canopy Gazebo
      Amanda Panda Chest
      Underpass Hideaway
      Bejeweled Coffee Table
      Emerald TV
      Vip Booth
      Magic 9 Ball
      Autumn Paw Print window (2)
      Webkinz Dragster
      Nafaria window
      Nafaria Plush
      Ghost Plush
      Ms. Birdy Home sweet Home sign

      I am interested in your cursed cradle and bejeweled coffee table.

    3. #688350

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-12-10 at 07:10 PM

      Hi! I am looking for Gingerbread House from the deluxe only building kit! I need one ASAP for a friend so PLMK what you need for one! Thanks!!

      Yea I need that gingerbread house too!

    4. #688302

      Hi! I am looking for Gingerbread House from the deluxe only building kit! I need one ASAP for a friend so PLMK what you need for one! Thanks!!

    5. #688224

      here;s my wish list
      any cat pieces besides hat
      mad scientist goggles
      hula bottoms

      my haves list (it won’t be long because I’m not on ww and can’t see)
      rockerz bunny jacket and shoes
      rockerz cow shoes
      pink dj
      purple tshirt
      hula top and head dress (only for the items I listed)
      kinz air pilot top (estore winged tiger top)
      full blue vogue vampire
      nerftiti’s robe
      full purple wizard
      rock jacket
      sparkeling gem belt
      LMK I will post more clothes and good psi later ;)

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