Anyone have an offer on Plumpy or Charm? ~ABC

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone have an offer on Plumpy or Charm? ~ABC

This topic contains 27 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  123ABC 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #676074


    I Have
    Hippo Costume BOTTOM
    Red Ninja (And Mask)
    And Umm… Lemme Think….
    Paint Can Hat
    Ill LYK If I Think Of Anymore! :)


    1. #676979

      123ABC wrote on 2012-10-24 at 11:17 PM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-10-24 at 03:31 PM
      For emo jeans I could offer
      Wacky jeans
      Signature juniper hammock psi
      And estore psi totally fun toy box
      LMK :)

      Hey DQ00 and puppyluver: I already traded Emo..and Plumpy and Charm and sail, so now I have Charm again! LMK YOUR OFFERS AGAIN!!! Thx!

      Hi ABC! What priceless do you have now? just LMK!


    2. #676906


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-10-25 at 09:28 PM

      Hey ABC….I also have pink bunny as well as full elephant and hippo hat. I really need charm, and whoever had witch hat I need that too!

      Hey guys! I now have Lion Costume Feet and Hippi Costume Feet! LMK if you need or have any offers! BTW I dont have charm anymore guys, thats what I traded for charm, hippo and lion. Lion is a little less than cat feet, so if you add hippo and lion feet it adds up to cat feet, and maybe you would have to add. LMK YOUR OFFERS. I NEED PRICELESS FOR THESE ITEMS OR NEW PSI. THX!


    3. #676857


      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-10-25 at 09:40 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-10-25 at 09:28 PM
      Hey ABC….I also have pink bunny as well as full elephant and hippo hat. I really need charm, and whoever had witch hat I need that too!

      Hi Snowy, do you have any kinzclothes for trade? I have a charm tiara And I need a few kinzclothes, and medium priceless like army and plumpy. LMK

      Yes I do…..don’t have plumpy or army sorry. Here’s my kinzclothes:
      Gold Dress and Shoes
      3D Glasses
      Full Rock Outfit
      Wedding Veil
      Warm-Up Set Hoody
      Do you like my other stuff?

    4. #676839


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-10-25 at 09:28 PM

      Hey ABC….I also have pink bunny as well as full elephant and hippo hat. I really need charm, and whoever had witch hat I need that too!

      Hi Snowy, do you have any kinzclothes for trade? I have a charm tiara And I need a few kinzclothes, and medium priceless like army and plumpy. LMK

    5. #676825


      Hey ABC….I also have pink bunny as well as full elephant and hippo hat. I really need charm, and whoever had witch hat I need that too!

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