anyone have these items? ~~Cassie

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives anyone have these items? ~~Cassie

This topic contains 120 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  FluffySilly713 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89653

    <p>hello I am looking for these WKN items. I am not sure which ones are kinzpostable and not, so plmk.</p>
    <p>Zodiac Aid Bottoms<br />
    Alvins Hawaiian shirt<br />
    be mine sneakers<br />
    blue full length hoodie<br />
    city chic boots<br />
    city chic sunglasses<br />
    city chic bottom<br />
    city chic top<br />
    classic movie studio director boots<br />
    dapper casual pants<br />
    gw layered skirt<br />
    holly jolly sweater<br />
    looney toons round rug<br />
    music note fedora<br />
    pink diving bell top<br />
    plush besties<br />
    purple Jean shorts (look like the blue and white summer shorts at kinzstyle outlet but purple instead blue)<br />
    shamrockin shirt<br />
    summer sun dress<br />
    team sera shirt<br />
    team Boris shirt<br />
    whimsical window</p>
    <p>plmk thanks i’ll post my stuff later</p>

    1. #657304

      Chocolate19 and DQ- sorry I already traded my tour van :(

      Dogfish drat I already have sone of those items. Haven’t seen anyone with Alvin shirt and red hoodie, and I could use an extra looney tunes rug. And I’m looking for pretty much every neo gothic piece (I want a few bookshelves6

      don’t know if I missed anyone…


    2. #657233

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-25 at 10:10 AM

      Mortonhippo- sorry I had to get off, will post it later (on my iPod)
      DQ sorry snowboarding toque is on hold for ferret, need anything else??
      Veggie hola!

      Um, well I like the 2010 Touring Van, would you do that?


    3. #657193


      well i don’t have any of those items but i have tons of valued!
      lpsolover lol

    4. #657186


      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-25 at 10:10 AM

      Mortonhippo- sorry I had to get off, will post it later (on my iPod)
      DQ sorry snowboarding toque is on hold for ferret, need anything else??
      Veggie hola!

      Hi Fluffy, I have almost everthing on you list, LMK what you still need. I saw you looking for Neo gothic, I have a lot of extras, LMK which pieces you have. Nothing in return needed for anything I send you. TTYL DF

    5. #657177


      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-23 at 09:12 PM

      hello I am looking for these WKN items. I am not sure which ones are kinzpostable and not, so plmk.
      Zodiac Aid Bottoms
      Alvins Hawaiian shirt
      be mine sneakers
      blue full length hoodie
      city chic boots
      city chic sunglasses
      city chic bottom
      city chic top
      classic movie studio director boots
      dapper casual pants
      gw layered skirt
      holly jolly sweater
      looney toons round rug
      music note fedora
      pink diving bell top
      plush besties
      purple Jean shorts (look like the blue and white summer shorts at kinzstyle outlet but purple instead blue)
      shamrockin shirt
      summer sun dress
      team sera shirt
      team Boris shirt
      whimsical window
      plmk thanks i’ll post my stuff later

      Hey Fluffy! I have these.

      Full Zodial air costume
      be mine sneakers x2
      city chic boots x2
      city chic top
      I think I have the movie director boots?
      I dont know what the GW stands for
      looney toones rug (I think?)
      music note fedora
      diving bell top
      and I think I have team sera and boris shirt (Not sure)


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