anyone have these items? ~~Cassie

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives anyone have these items? ~~Cassie

This topic contains 120 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  FluffySilly713 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89653

    <p>hello I am looking for these WKN items. I am not sure which ones are kinzpostable and not, so plmk.</p>
    <p>Zodiac Aid Bottoms<br />
    Alvins Hawaiian shirt<br />
    be mine sneakers<br />
    blue full length hoodie<br />
    city chic boots<br />
    city chic sunglasses<br />
    city chic bottom<br />
    city chic top<br />
    classic movie studio director boots<br />
    dapper casual pants<br />
    gw layered skirt<br />
    holly jolly sweater<br />
    looney toons round rug<br />
    music note fedora<br />
    pink diving bell top<br />
    plush besties<br />
    purple Jean shorts (look like the blue and white summer shorts at kinzstyle outlet but purple instead blue)<br />
    shamrockin shirt<br />
    summer sun dress<br />
    team sera shirt<br />
    team Boris shirt<br />
    whimsical window</p>
    <p>plmk thanks i’ll post my stuff later</p>

    1. #657828


      Hey Cassie!
      I replied a little while back, and was wondering what you still need? I have all, or most, of those items :)

    2. #657817


      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-26 at 12:57 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-08-26 at 12:15 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-26 at 11:06 AM

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-26 at 10:11 AM
      Dogfish- ugghhhh I hate getting gifts. It makes me feel bad when I don’t know what to give back :|
      as for the neo gothic items… You can keep your pilar, I can find some from others.
      Thanks for helping (and making me feel guilty) :D
      Mislev- okay hmm… I really don’t know… Would you take Snow White Dress, Green Santa Pants, and Fairy Tale Witch Wardrobe? Lmk
      Yorkie- okay, I’ll kinzpost the items asap, thanks!!
      oh plus, send the items to my FluffySilly713 and caks97 account

      hi cassie….does that mean you dont have another snowboarding togue…and im not sure what u been by fairy tale witch wardrobe??
      glad to know u got the besties…

      Hi mislev, I have the snow boarding toque, friend me at clo92 and I’ll put it on my list for KPing. LOL Hey, Cassie, when I said I had one pillar, I meant one unused one. After I put in the wall papaer I had to take one out. If it makes you feel less guilty I don’t have a lamp to give you. I do however have the rest. Not sure how many bookcases I have. Dont’ feel bad, it’s just KC and I have gazillions and OMG It’s not even real money. LOL I’m not to fond of gifts myself, I’m a giver not a taker, but I’m working on that. LOL I’ll send the alvin stuff today. TTYL Chloe

      OHH THAT MAKES SENSE (the pillar thing) lol
      I still feel guilty though, you have the other items..
      puffy- I’M IN THE SAME CLUBHOUSE ROOM WITH YOU (my pet is next to yours..)
      can’t you just say in the clubhouse? lol

      Cassie, i’m almost ready to send the rest of the items. When you can, could you accept my friend request from ***10? That way i can send everything today. Afer I send from that worker account, I’ll take you off, I don’t keep friends there just use it to move stuff and get extra. Nothing personal. LOL Have a great day, Chloe PS do you still need any of the clothing on your list? Purple jean shorts?

    3. #657802

      hey i have the sundae station and cafe booth sig psi and really need some points plmk if u want to trade!

    4. #657799

      HEY EVERYONE! :) i have rock jacket (the one that comes with shuts), wings, amanda panda chest, and plumpys desk and plumpys chair for trade, signature sundae station, and signature cocoa café booth, stone washed jeans,the 2011 touring van,city street slide for trade i really need some points (or witch hat). plmk if u want to trade!! :)

    5. #657795


      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-25 at 11:42 PM

      morningshine wrote on 2012-08-25 at 05:42 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-25 at 09:39 AM
      Morningshine- Cool :) what would yo like for it?

      to be honest i dont know what i would worth can you post a list!thanks:)
      ~be bright morningshine p.s would you like kinz post or trading room?

      Sure, specific category maybe? :) I prefer KP, but I do TR if your more comfortable :)

      um well no specific category i don’t mind kinz post i am ioo% honest i will send back! as long as you send first

      ~be bright morningshine

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