anyone have these items? ~~Cassie

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives anyone have these items? ~~Cassie

This topic contains 120 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  FluffySilly713 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89653

    <p>hello I am looking for these WKN items. I am not sure which ones are kinzpostable and not, so plmk.</p>
    <p>Zodiac Aid Bottoms<br />
    Alvins Hawaiian shirt<br />
    be mine sneakers<br />
    blue full length hoodie<br />
    city chic boots<br />
    city chic sunglasses<br />
    city chic bottom<br />
    city chic top<br />
    classic movie studio director boots<br />
    dapper casual pants<br />
    gw layered skirt<br />
    holly jolly sweater<br />
    looney toons round rug<br />
    music note fedora<br />
    pink diving bell top<br />
    plush besties<br />
    purple Jean shorts (look like the blue and white summer shorts at kinzstyle outlet but purple instead blue)<br />
    shamrockin shirt<br />
    summer sun dress<br />
    team sera shirt<br />
    team Boris shirt<br />
    whimsical window</p>
    <p>plmk thanks i’ll post my stuff later</p>

    1. #658530


      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 07:16 PM

      Deluxe- hmm which parts would you add? Lmk
      Chocolate19 ohmygosh I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!! I already traded the bed!!!!!!! Would you like sleeping dragon bed or rainbow coffee table instead? Lmk!!!!
      Candyque- what do you need for the items? And the sweater is called “jolly holly sweater” or something…
      Yorkie- I already have the wardrobe, what else do you need? Lmk
      mislev- lol I should by that would confuse others because my want list is the first post…
      And I might need hop shirt

      just copy ….and repost add “still need” next to the ones u r still looking for….anyway i have plenty of hop shirt if u need one i’d be happen to send to you…just LMK

    2. #658525


      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 07:16 PM

      Deluxe- hmm which parts would you add? Lmk
      Chocolate19 ohmygosh I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!! I already traded the bed!!!!!!! Would you like sleeping dragon bed or rainbow coffee table instead? Lmk!!!!
      Candyque- what do you need for the items? And the sweater is called “jolly holly sweater” or something…
      Yorkie- I already have the wardrobe, what else do you need? Lmk
      mislev- lol I should by that would confuse others because my want list is the first post…
      And I might need hop shirt

      Omg you have the holly jolly sweater I need that I also have a spring fedora and a hop shirt

    3. #658510


      I don’t need anything :) I will send night stand now. Thanks!!

    4. #658506

      I have the music note Fedora!

    5. #658505

      Deluxe- hmm which parts would you add? Lmk

      Chocolate19 ohmygosh I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!! I already traded the bed!!!!!!! Would you like sleeping dragon bed or rainbow coffee table instead? Lmk!!!!

      Candyque- what do you need for the items? And the sweater is called “jolly holly sweater” or something…

      Yorkie- I already have the wardrobe, what else do you need? Lmk

      mislev- lol I should by that would confuse others because my want list is the first post…

      And I might need hop shirt


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