anyone have these items? ~~Cassie

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives anyone have these items? ~~Cassie

This topic contains 120 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  FluffySilly713 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89653

    <p>hello I am looking for these WKN items. I am not sure which ones are kinzpostable and not, so plmk.</p>
    <p>Zodiac Aid Bottoms<br />
    Alvins Hawaiian shirt<br />
    be mine sneakers<br />
    blue full length hoodie<br />
    city chic boots<br />
    city chic sunglasses<br />
    city chic bottom<br />
    city chic top<br />
    classic movie studio director boots<br />
    dapper casual pants<br />
    gw layered skirt<br />
    holly jolly sweater<br />
    looney toons round rug<br />
    music note fedora<br />
    pink diving bell top<br />
    plush besties<br />
    purple Jean shorts (look like the blue and white summer shorts at kinzstyle outlet but purple instead blue)<br />
    shamrockin shirt<br />
    summer sun dress<br />
    team sera shirt<br />
    team Boris shirt<br />
    whimsical window</p>
    <p>plmk thanks i’ll post my stuff later</p>

    1. #656994

      here’s my furniture..
      (some items i might need more for..)

      2011 festive tapestry
      crafty kimmy club sign
      dicekinz trophy
      high tech stocking stuffer
      whimsy dragon poster
      video game console
      tea party set (red)
      sesational water spinner
      pop art carrot (poster thingy)
      webkinz day year 6 group print
      yellow chick plushy
      trading card series 1 clock
      legionnare shield
      alyssa plushy
      zaps plasma ball
      medievel window
      humvee toy suv
      farm tractor
      princess magic mirror
      red dragster
      red plasma ball
      trading card 2.0 chair
      greasy grill
      trading card 2.0 side table
      thoughtful think tank
      royal red carpet
      egyptian wallpaper
      world class soccer net
      charm forest dining chair
      medievel monarch sofa
      treehouse hut bed
      giant sandwich table
      ancient pyramid lamp
      2010 touring van
      rock garden
      webkinz totem pole
      bellacourt blooming flowers
      manic monitor
      princess and the pea bed
      moon rover

      original elephant
      velvety elephant
      white terrier
      black cat
      yarn ball sofa *forgot which pet*

      please add my account IceyCreamy529 if you would like any items on this list (they are on that account)


      will check other accounts :)

    2. #656989

      mortonhippo what is your username?? just so i know…

      and about the besties plush, someone else already has it so just wait

      puppyluver, lmk if anything on my list interests you i’ll post furniture in a few minutes


    3. #656988


      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-24 at 09:40 PM

      hey snowy, can i see what AMM has first?? if i don’t want anything you can trade them… :)
      ps i’ll post a furniture list in a few minutes, just need to get onto my accounts

      OK that’s fine I meant to say that in my last post.

    4. #656986

      hey snowy, can i see what AMM has first?? if i don’t want anything you can trade them… :)


      ps i’ll post a furniture list in a few minutes, just need to get onto my accounts

    5. #656984


      AMM03 wrote on 2012-08-24 at 09:30 PM

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-24 at 10:58 AM
      okay here is my list of items
      funky neon afro
      green dwarf costume
      fairy tale witch costume
      solar helmet
      rocking pompadour
      fairy tale dress
      silly skeleton mask
      giftbox shoes
      clown costume
      magic w toque
      superhero outfit
      ringmaster blazar
      superhero boots
      victorian hat
      venetian mask
      cool sport shades
      snowboarding toque
      viking helmet
      halloween headpiece
      tutti frutti headdress
      green santa pants
      deluxe disco jacket
      winged tee
      gladiator helmet
      green springtime shoes
      wheel of wow shirt
      wheel of wow hat
      dunce cap
      robot helmet
      bakers apron
      card collector classic capri
      kinz pinz bowling shirt
      baseball uniform
      fast food waiter outfit (full)
      cloud adventure hat
      tie dye tux shoes
      stylish city boots
      blue pet coat
      painting overalls
      silver tiara
      diving bell top
      hot pink studded shades
      turquoise flats
      busy artist smock
      eggcellent spring glasses
      louies mustache
      zodiac water shirt
      will post furniture later because i have school soon, lmk if anyone needs these


      I also have it what are you willing to trade for it?

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