Anyone need 09 hallowenn?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone need 09 hallowenn?

This topic contains 90 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  bamboo578 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #90642


    <p>I traded alot but I do have some left. So JLMK what you want!

    1. #671180

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 04:18 PM

      I traded alot but I do have some left. So JLMK what you want!

      I would like anything from the 09 halloween theme, my webkinz username is LiverLee15

    2. #671175


      LEG11 wrote on 2012-09-30 at 06:07 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-09-30 at 01:38 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-09-30 at 12:33 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-09-30 at 11:34 AM

      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-09-29 at 09:48 PM
      Hey! Do you happen to have the gargoyle sofa or black ninja shoes? Please let me know. Thanks!

      You already said that. B ut no I dont have those.

      Sorry, it posted twice; that was not intentional. Thanks for checking though!

      Lady…. i have the black ninja shoes, i don’t have the sofa but i do have most costumes and a lot of halloween items…id like to work out something for the rockerz cat skirt and shoes…..

      I have gargoyle couch.. what do u offer?? Also chair…

      Hi Leg11, are you peaches? UN. Just want to make sure, i think I saw that somewhere. PLMK DF

    3. #671166


      Viper888 wrote on 2012-10-03 at 12:57 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-02 at 07:54 PM

      Jakarta wrote on 2012-10-02 at 01:36 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-01 at 07:38 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-10-01 at 01:45 PM

      GummyWormsFTW wrote on 2012-09-30 at 11:42 AM
      Viper888- Can you make a list of what you DO have? o:

      Ok! I’ve got…..
      Chilling lanterns lamp
      2 Jack’O chairs
      purple pumpkin dining table
      2 spooky spider webs
      2 witch’s banquet place settings
      I had more but I got rid of it. So thats my list.

      If gummyworms does not need the purple pumpkin dining chair, I would LOVE to trade for it, I have 2, trying to get a total of 4 LOLZ :D

      Whats your list?

      Ok I am very confused because I was offering on something viper listed but got a reply from jakarta…Im confused lol HELP!! LOL

      Thats my account too! thats me

      LOL ok :D I was like so confused LOL :)

      First off, I have a few extra kinz pinz bowling shirts, I can send you one of those no problem :P and in addition to the to the chair (which I think I am going to be trading for 2 others with someone else too so I feel lucky and now I am going to try and get a total of 6 LOL) I am also interested in the chilling lanterns lamp :P LMK what you’d be looking for for those items? Thanks oh and the kinz pinz shirt is on the house lol just remind me of your user name I think its a fishtail or something lolz :P


    4. #671157


      Viper888 wrote on 2012-10-02 at 07:19 PM

      _blahblah_ wrote on 2012-10-02 at 06:31 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 04:18 PM
      I traded alot but I do have some left. So JLMK what you want!

      hi i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY need the flooring. meet me sometime thx

      I like your name! But I made a theme so the flooring+wall paper is in my room.

      THX!!!! and do u happen to have a spare or anything???


      take a look at my trading list:

      bunny top hat
      busy artist smock
      queen marie’s periwig
      sparkling gem belt
      pixie dress
      X-ray costume
      party cap
      blue infant

      fine ribbon bed
      winged queen thrones
      enchanted vanity
      pile of persian pillows
      bookworm bed
      pot-o-gold safe
      flourishing tree and flower bed
      wraparound computing chamber

      pop art carrot
      pineapple lamp
      fantasy movie poster
      peaceful meadow window
      nibbles bobblehead toy
      robot flower
      high note lamp
      rainy day window
      truffula tree painting
      potted ice flower
      pug bobblehead
      bouquet of balloons

    5. #671117


      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-10-02 at 08:47 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-10-02 at 07:24 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-10-02 at 06:31 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-10-02 at 01:40 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-10-01 at 08:50 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-10-01 at 01:45 PM

      GummyWormsFTW wrote on 2012-09-30 at 11:42 AM
      Viper888- Can you make a list of what you DO have? o:

      Ok! I’ve got…..
      Chilling lanterns lamp
      2 Jack’O chairs
      purple pumpkin dining table
      2 spooky spider webs
      2 witch’s banquet place settings
      I had more but I got rid of it. So thats my list.

      Viper, if no one else has spoken for them, I would be interested in your Jack-O’-Chairs. What would you like for them?

      No offers yet! What do you have? I would love a list.

      I have a lot of types of items I could list; listing everything would take a while, so is there any particular type of thing you’d like me to start with?

      I’m looking for clothes-Sig psi(If you think that’s fair)-psi Any of those? -\ /iper

      Hey! I don’t think I could do Sig for those (my only sig for trade are for two eStore PSI that I really want), but here’s the clothing I have for trade at the moment:
      Kinz Pinz Bowling Shirt
      Goblin Mask
      Full Rock Outfit
      Holiday Robe
      Fairy Tale Dress
      B-Ball Shoes
      Royal Blue Crown
      Neo Gothic Dress
      Mrs. Santakinz’ Slippers
      Wedding Dress
      Merry Christmas Toque
      Full Dapper Casual Outfit
      Rockerz Cat Shirt
      Cheerleader Top/Skirt
      Holnwon Golf Hat/Pants/Shoes
      Holiday Jeans
      Busy Artist Smock
      Lime Green Track Pants
      Zodiac Earth Top/Shoes
      Zodiac Water Top/Pants
      Zodiac Fire Hat
      Team Lug Shirt
      Full Boys’ Cave Explorer Outfit
      Be Mine Sneakers
      Vintage Glam Top/Skirt
      Scarecrow Costume/Hat
      White Summer Dress
      Candy Corn Witch Dress
      Springtime Dress
      Springtime Shoes
      Stylish City Boots
      White Solar Jacket
      I’ll list what PSI I have for trade later, but I’m trying to conserve my PSI at the moment so there’s not a whole lot. Please let me know if you see anything on this list that interests you. Thanks!

      I would love the kinz pinz bowling shirt! What did you want? LMK

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