Home › Forums › Webkinz World – Archives › ANYONE NEED BIG BLACK BELT OR BROWN BELT????
This topic contains 130 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by guest112232 12 years, 2 months ago.
July 28, 2012 at 1:26 pm #638681
I need the brown belt! Do you need elf hat? I have the jingle and normal ones.
July 28, 2012 at 7:54 pm #638886
WackyWebber wrote on 2012-07-28 at 07:42 PM
schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-28 at 07:25 PM
WackyWebber wrote on 2012-07-28 at 06:51 PM
puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 12:23 PM
I got them from my brothers friend so LMK :) He also gave me a frankenkinz cap so lmk if you want that too :)I’m very interested in your brown belt. I have to offer Elf Shoes, Elf Hat, Witch, Shuts, Scuba Belt, Promo, and Estore PSI. LMK if anything appeals to you. Thanks. ~WW
WW I really need your elf shoes. What do you need for them?
I’m looking for the Brown Belt (obviously lol), Cat Pieces (excluding the hat, which I have), and the Year 2 Pumpkin Hat. Thats pretty much the only things I really want right now, but I’m not opposed to other suggestions, so feel free to make a fair offer. ~WW
WW- I have the cat hat but I’m not sure I want to trade it really. I do have a scuba belt if u need that.
Deadcolours- Sure I’ll wait for u to see NB’s list.
July 28, 2012 at 7:52 pm #638885
DeadColours wrote on 2012-07-28 at 07:16 PM
SAG- I’ll consider it but I would like to see what NB has to offer. ;)
I have tons upon tons of psi LOL even a bunch of older ones not logged on yet!! LOL
Here goes with start of a list lol
handbag bed (sig)
golden honey waterfall (sig)
relaxing rocky sauna
rock ledge bed
freaky forest perch (estore)
mellow marsh(estore)
emerald tv(estore)
strawberry bubble bath (retired I believe)
lucious lips sofa x2
ming panda fridge thing x2
lap it up pool (retired i believe)
poofy poodle chair x3
timeless treasure tv (estore or retired?)
puppy grub tub (estore)
dominio area rug
spots n dots tv
tyranasauras (estore)
winged tiger outfit
pug hedgehog
black and white cat
pom pom kitty
backyard bubble maker
candy kinz psi’s (estore, have a few if you’re interested)
ruby pup (estore)
pearl pup (estore)
st pats wishing bridge
king of the jungle throneI can list more if nothing interests you off this list lol got lots more in storage, I just ran through my dock real quick LOL
NB -
July 28, 2012 at 7:47 pm #638884
NB- A list would be great, I really have no idea what I want when it comes to PSI. xD
July 28, 2012 at 7:42 pm #638883
schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-28 at 07:25 PM
WackyWebber wrote on 2012-07-28 at 06:51 PM
puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 12:23 PM
I got them from my brothers friend so LMK :) He also gave me a frankenkinz cap so lmk if you want that too :)I’m very interested in your brown belt. I have to offer Elf Shoes, Elf Hat, Witch, Shuts, Scuba Belt, Promo, and Estore PSI. LMK if anything appeals to you. Thanks. ~WW
WW I really need your elf shoes. What do you need for them?
I’m looking for the Brown Belt (obviously lol), Cat Pieces (excluding the hat, which I have), and the Year 2 Pumpkin Hat. Thats pretty much the only things I really want right now, but I’m not opposed to other suggestions, so feel free to make a fair offer. ~WW
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