Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ANYONE NEED BIG BLACK BELT OR BROWN BELT????

This topic contains 130 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  guest112232 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #638681


    I need the brown belt! Do you need elf hat? I have the jingle and normal ones.

    1. #638914


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 08:30 PM

      DeadColours wrote on 2012-07-28 at 08:22 PM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 08:17 PM
      woah!!! Lol I got the brown belt for free how much is it worth??? Lol but if it’s worth everything everyone is offering then ummm WOAH

      If it’s a very thin brown belt then it’s worth around WZ jeans. ;)

      OMG that’s it AAAAAHHHHH yay! this is what happened when I saw this post
      me~ *happy dance* AHHHHH
      brother~ *stares*
      me~ O.o
      brother~ *laughs*


      That totally cracked me up!!!! LOL!!!


    2. #638912

      DeadColours wrote on 2012-07-28 at 08:22 PM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 08:17 PM
      woah!!! Lol I got the brown belt for free how much is it worth??? Lol but if it’s worth everything everyone is offering then ummm WOAH

      If it’s a very thin brown belt then it’s worth around WZ jeans. ;)

      OMG that’s it AAAAAHHHHH yay! this is what happened when I saw this post
      me~ *happy dance* AHHHHH
      brother~ *stares*
      me~ O.o
      brother~ *laughs*

    3. #638911


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 08:24 PM

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-07-28 at 07:27 PM

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-07-28 at 06:51 PM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 12:23 PM
      I got them from my brothers friend so LMK :) He also gave me a frankenkinz cap so lmk if you want that too :)

      I’m very interested in your brown belt. I have to offer Elf Shoes, Elf Hat, Witch, Shuts, Scuba Belt, Promo, and Estore PSI. LMK if anything appeals to you. Thanks. ~WW

      I for got to add that I’m also interested in your Big Black Belt, but more so in the Brown. Thanks. ~WW

      everyone~ if I don’t reply to you it’s probably cause I’m looking at all the great offers and fainting then being taken to the hospital where I’ll faint again. So yah that’s what I’m doing LOL
      wacky webber~ I have 2 big black belts and don’t have a good idea of how much they are worth so would you do shuts and maybe I can add????

      Hmm, I might do that. Let me think on it for a bit. PLMK if there’s anything of interest to you off my list for the Brown Belt as well or separate. Thanks. ~WW

    4. #638909

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-07-28 at 07:27 PM

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-07-28 at 06:51 PM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 12:23 PM
      I got them from my brothers friend so LMK :) He also gave me a frankenkinz cap so lmk if you want that too :)

      I’m very interested in your brown belt. I have to offer Elf Shoes, Elf Hat, Witch, Shuts, Scuba Belt, Promo, and Estore PSI. LMK if anything appeals to you. Thanks. ~WW

      I for got to add that I’m also interested in your Big Black Belt, but more so in the Brown. Thanks. ~WW

      everyone~ if I don’t reply to you it’s probably cause I’m looking at all the great offers and fainting then being taken to the hospital where I’ll faint again. So yah that’s what I’m doing LOL

      wacky webber~ I have 2 big black belts and don’t have a good idea of how much they are worth so would you do shuts and maybe I can add????

    5. #638907


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-07-28 at 08:17 PM

      woah!!! Lol I got the brown belt for free how much is it worth??? Lol but if it’s worth everything everyone is offering then ummm WOAH

      If it’s a very thin brown belt then it’s worth around WZ jeans. ;)

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