Anyone need orange army or sweet tooth tiger psi?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone need orange army or sweet tooth tiger psi?

This topic contains 78 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  annie29 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87477


    <p>I need Scuba Belt mainly.

    1. #628872


      Cutie- since I asked first, can I trade her? If the trade does not work out you can trade with her. I feel weird writing this lol

    2. #628866


      tigerstripe21 wrote on 2012-07-10 at 03:20 PM

      Hey to any of you guys with army- a friend of mine (not on newz i think) is offering swirl for army. PLMK if you\’re interested. And SAG, i am not in sync with the webkinz time zone. what time Kinz time would like to meet? PLMK!

      Tiger stripe

      If nobody else is interested and your friend still has swirl for orange army, I would love to make that trade. Let me know if it’s still available :)

    3. #628857

      Dogz- I like priceless clothing. I don\’t really care about values. BUT I wil add some clothing to my offer.

      Tigerstripe- So what do you want for elf?

    4. #628853

      Tiger-I will be on all day today. I will be in kinzchat blue zone. So what do you want for elf?

      Dogz- I like priceless clothing. I would so add.

    5. #628848


      Tiger- I have army! I could use an extra swirl Lmk!

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