Anyone need Rockerz Cat psi?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Anyone need Rockerz Cat psi?

This topic contains 35 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  KyahLCLD 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86453


    <p>I’m trading my Rockerz Cat PSI, i already traded her outfit but i still have the psi. I don’t know what i want for it so just offer something fair.

    1. #615659


      Wow thats a pretty good trade. Was it full ketchap or just the bottle?

    2. #615648

      adama123 wrote on 2012-06-12 at 02:29 PM

      Aw Sag! Can I ask what you traded it for if its no trouble? LMK

      I traded that and a swimsuit top for a ketchup bottle costume and scuba flippers.

    3. #615640


      Aw Sag! Can I ask what you traded it for if its no trouble? LMK

    4. #615635

      bravefiona wrote on 2012-06-11 at 02:40 AM

      I’m trading my Rockerz Cat PSI, i already traded her outfit but i still have the psi. I don’t know what i want for it so just offer something fair.

      i need it. I just traded mine. What do you need?

    5. #615367


      KyahLCLD wrote on 2012-06-11 at 04:59 PM

      YES!!! I really want it! Here are some things I can offer:
      1. Pink Bunny Costume (jacket and pants) * These are worth a lot check on Kinzpedia
      2. Pink bunny ears
      3.Bunny top hats ( Pink, blue, and black)
      4. Toothy Bunny Mask
      5. Magic W face paint
      6. Slips
      2. Rabbit
      3. Grey and White Cat
      4. Misty Puppy
      5. Snake pond( Do not know what pet)
      6. Polor Bear
      7. Cow
      8. Reindeer
      1. Golden Hippo Fridge
      2. Royal Banquet Table
      3. Clock of the Future
      4. Ribbons and Bows Tree
      5. Kid\’s Dinning Table
      6. Dex\’s Lugbot Lookout ( POTM)
      7. Dicekinz Troophy
      Do you like any of these?

      Hiya I really need your pink bunny ears and outfit for a friend…Heres what i have on the top of my head…. Rainbow hat, deluxe headress, ms.birdys blazer, green santa pants, egyptian sundial, nutty conveyer belt, ming vase panda fridge, puffy.poodle chair, rainbow coffee table, gpld safe, most exclusives, alex and molly adventure park plush, anddthats all i remember

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