anyone want to enter for a super bed?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives anyone want to enter for a super bed?

This topic contains 33 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Doglove 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #844904

    I have this treehouse hut bed for contest! all i need is your account username and the top reason why you love winter!! really easy! CONTEST FOR TREEHOUSE HUT BED ( SUPER BED )!!! JUST REPLY TO THIS POST AND TELL MY YOU LOVE WINTER AND YOR WEBKINZ ACCONT USERNAME! . thanks…………….

    1. #845021


      I would like to enter! My username is hklover628. The reason I love winter is because even where I live it doesn’t snow but I LOVE the Christmas holiday time! ;) And thank YOU because why would you thanks us and your giving away a superbed?? -hklover628

      • #845374

        Hi HK! It doesn’t snow where I live either! But I still LOVE Christmas time. :D

        • #846711


          Awesome!!! Hello Sweetcupcake! sorry for late reply :D ;)

    2. #845014


      Hi, thanks for holding this contest! My Webkinz World username is v15d, and the reason I love winter is because I can go outside and watch the snow fall, and build snow forts. Happy New Year! Trader101

    3. #845013


      Hi annagrace, I would like to enter. My favorite 2 things about winter is winterfest in Webkinz World and my WInter Camp out in Boy Scouts in the real world. Thanks for this fun contest. My user is frogsandfly. Good luck to all who enter.-Atom

    4. #845012

      Hi! You’re so generous! :D I love winter because Christmas is my most favorite time of year! My username is VBS123. Have a very sweet and happy New Year!~Schweetz

    5. #844999

      User: EmiliaGG and I love winter for the fact that the snow makes perfect scenery for pictures and video taping . -Snow

      • #845434


        Hi! My user name is bgos. I LOVE WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every season has a special feeling, but winter is in the top two! Lol. I love winter because I live on a farm so, our dog trying to chase us around acting like a snow monster, our cats running on our bales, the sheep going into the hoop building covered in snow, our cats rubbing up against them, my dog is a welsh corgi cross so he is pretty short and we once got a lot of snow so our dog was jumping into our footsteps, our dogs playing with each other rolling around in snow with snow on their faces, climbing trees acting like animals, opening a snow restaurant (our special: snow! Lol), running around like deer & sledding singing Christmas carols!!! It’s really a jolly time!!!!!!!!!! Thanks you are very generous

        • #845633


          I forgot some things: we would also go sledding on ice, playing with our dog (he would grab our hat and run with it!), acting episodes of our favorite tv show out that way if we have to fall we will fall on snow! Building snow domes pretending we’re foxes, digging a hole popping our heads out acting like meer cats(even though meer cats live in the desert!!!!!), this isn’t even half! And most importantly Jesus was born!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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