Best Pet Outfits

Home Forums My Pets Best Pet Outfits

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    1. #873200


      My favorite part about getting beautimous clothes (like the Rose Party Dress- my fave!!) is going to the Clubhouse to show off my clothes! It’s so fun to be the fashionista in the room :) ~Queen

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      • #874657


        I know what u mean the runway is awesome u can show off your clothes and style and it is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!! :0 :) :)

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        • #874920


          YAS and the first time you get a high score then Persephone sends you a letter (that was my favorite part)!!! Gotta love that girl! ~Queen

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          • #875228


            The most recent time I got a five was when I was with my Rockerz Papillion, who was wearing her Rockerz Papillion outfit!

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            • #875688


              That’s so cute!! Good job on your perfect score!! ~Queen

            • #875895


              Thanks! Good job on yours too! :)

          • #876780


            Yeah I got a letter from her I was so happy!

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          • #877535


            I never got a letter from PErsephone in my life…even when I got the highest score possible….

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            • #885599


              ikr prprprpr,i got a 5 and i never got a letter

      • #885598


        my butterscotch retriver named snickerdoodle has the angle coustume on! i only put the shoes halo and dress on her and nothing else. SHE IS SO PRETTY IN THE OUTFIT! HER FUR MATCHES IT PERFECTLY MAKING HER LOOK LIKE A REAL ANGLE!

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        • #940535


          Looks like i accidentaly clicked the caps button on that comment lol. Anyways, I like putting Snow (a white poodle) in a bunny bow hat,heart shaped glasses,polka dot winter coat,and a ruffled skirt :D i also like putting her in a pink,sparkly bow and a 50′s poodle dress…i think thats what it’s called XD

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      • #1362660

        I knowI love showing off (which sounds bad) my new created outfits!!! one of my favorite combinations is the beautiful blue ball gown, glass slippers and the enchanted tiara that you can but for 1,500 moneyz! :D

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    2. #872752

      actually, i am looking for an outfit. anyone know a super cute outfit for the signature miniature dachshund? I am deluxe so you can go ahead and suggest deluxe clothing items! thx for everyone’s help! also add me in webkinz at meemersandboo and if you have an items you do not want I will be your garbage can ;) also if you see a signature pomeranian named Lola in a pink fairy dress (forgot the actual name LOL) dancing shoes and a cherry blossem headband that is me so invite me to trade! :D peace out for now! bey!!! ~meemersandboo~ A.KA. cottonkandykinz

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      • #873647


        I have a dachshund and I love to put him in this crazy but cute outfit : colorful long sleeved tee , rainbow striped pants , rainbow boots , retro rainbow belt , and funky girl sunglasses . if this out fit is too crazy here is a casual out fit, you didn’t say if it was a boy or girls so first here is the boy casual outfit : boys varsity pants , boys plaid shirt , stripey toque , and black and white sneakers. for girls : ruffled skirt , yellow tank , and fluorescent flip flops .hope these outfits work out :) friend me at mollyberger

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    3. #872715


      Hi everyone! It’s me playnowpuppy again :) and now I’ll tell u some great peices of clothing that will work great if your pet is going to a tea party or a fancy gathering :) For a girl I think the hat is the main thing that brings the outfit together so I suggest Victorian hat, or fine feathered hat, or Jumboberyy hat, or pilgrims hat, or fine feathered hat, or floppy sun hat :) Lot’s of hats huh? Now a dress! U could use the Webkinz gown wich u get after completing a challeng), tween queen dress (u get by buying the ballerina dress outfit from Spree) and a nice Rose Party dress that u can get at Phersiphon’s shop if u are Deluxe :) If your pet is a boy all your pet needs is a tuxedo and tuxedo hat, and a pear of white hollywood glasses or mustache :)

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      • #873806


        The Rose Party Dress is my absolute must-have! ~Queen

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        • #874656


          I know right I have 2 :)

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          • #874918


            I’m so jelly!!!! I wish I had a million so that all pets could wear them XD ~Queen

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    4. #872707


      I love to dress my pet’s outfits and it’s always fun to go to the runway and show off your outfits :) I also love to check out everyone else’s outfits and complement their cool clothes too :) Now back to the question, what’s my fave pet outfit? Well I have a ton of faves but I find that these clothes outfits work very well together :) 1. Dancing shoes (they are purple and u can them in a loot bag after a Webkinz part) 2. Deluxe Disco jacket (u can get this item by spinning the whelle of Deluxe :) 3. Neon tu tu (this is a clothing recipe u can make at the clothing machine it is made out of the floral skirt, thick knit sweater, and cowgirl boots :) 4. Rockstar glasses (u can get these by adopting a rockerz pet and completing the rockerz challenge) if u don’t have those that the white hollywood sunglasses work great too! 5. the final touch is a stylish hat or wig :) for a wig I suggest the pink princess wig wich u can get at the E-store for 4,000 E-store points :) for a hat I suggest the fine feathered fashion hat if u arn’t deluxe the floppy sun hat works well too :) hope u like my outfit it’s perfect for a dance party :)

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      • #875691


        Do those wigs look good on pets? I think they look weird on the model pets but I have never seen a pet in the Clubhouse wearing a wig so IDK if it will look different in actual Webkinz World. I kind of want to buy one but I don’t want to waste estore points on something that I might not want. Help?? ~Queen

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        • #875880


          Well, there are wigs sold at the Curio Shop, like I am trading away Funky Neon ‘Fro, if you want it. Then, you don’t have to risk spending money on it. And I can even send back the item you trade for it if you don’t like it! Let’s chat more in the trading forum! :) Unless you don’t want it. Then you don’t have to, but I think the wigs in the estore look about the same as the models.

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          • #876504


            I have the Clown Wig so is that the same as the Funky Neon Fro? Or about the same? ~Queen

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            • #876914


              Well, if you are talking about the clown wig that is a PJ’s Special and it red and yellow with a little hat on it, then no. It’s sold at the Curio Shop sometimes, and is multicolored, more than just red and yellow, does not have a hat on it..I’m going to try to post a picture of it, but I am not sure exactly how…if it does not work you can look it up in the Kinzapedia…it won’t work. Sorry! Does anyone know how to post pictures? Well, I guess you could search for it in the Kinzapedia. Sorry again!

        • #876779


          I say u should get one Queen I have the Pink Princess wig and I have the blond wig of the 2 I suggest u get the Pink Princess wig it looks good on all pets! (warning! the wigs don’t look good on horse webkinz!) But u can get wigs at the Caurio SHop! Not pretty girly one but cool ones such as the Funky neon clown wig, rockin pomador wig, mohawk wig, and a t Halooween u can get a vampire wig!

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    5. #872596

      What’s your favorite pet outfit?

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      • #872699


        Oh Gennelle, I can’t choose!! I’m a designer, I have a folder with more than 200 pet outfit combinations that I created in it! I’ll have to get back to you on that.

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        • #873198


          Oh my gosh girl ME TOO I am such a fashionista!! One of my fave outfits is probably what my Pink Pony Jamie is rocking right now: The Rose Party Dress, Glass Slippers and the Sparkly Pink Bow!! Can’t beat pink on pink ha ha ;) ~Queen

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          • #873649


            I love fashion too! I have designed some outfits for humans to wear and I used to have a fashion forum !

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          • #874654


            Gottat love pink girl :) I have the pink pony and Pink is her obveious fave color! her room is pink, she always wears pink, and always eats pink stuff she is a pink finatic!!!!!

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            • #874917


              MINE TOO OMG Her room is COMPLETELY pink and all she wears is pink!! I haven’t put her in school, but if I do then she’s def going to train for the beauty pageants! ~Queen

          • #875879


            You know it! Pink is number 1! My fave color! :D One of my favorite of the simple outfits, are Cuffed Jeans, Daisy Hair Clip, and the Blue T-shirt! But I usually use more than just that! Like, once I made a cute girl’s astronaut outfit, and a girl’s back to school uniform, and a boy’s school uniform, cinderella outfit, (anyone watched Ever After? would not reccomend for younger people, I have just been a tough cookie since I was little! :) I used to watch videos with how real hearts act and look like when I was like 5, and my 11 year old sister would be freaked out! LOL! Violent, like, an action version of Cinderella! Parents should watch first) anyway, I also made a pirate outfit, girls of course, I have almost all girls, and I also make human styles! I even designed, and sewed my own purse! :) Real leather.

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            • #876499


              Action CInderella!! That sounds AWESOME!! And I’m jealous because I can’t sew two pieces of cloth together XD Isn’t leather really hard to sew?? #props ~Queen

            • #876912


              Yeah, it took longer than usual. Usually, I make my purses out of regular, kind of flimsy cloth, the kind usually for clothes, so that it is easier to sew, but the purse I made out of leather, was because I wanted it to be special for my mom. :) It was for her birthday. :) And don’t worry, the simplest stitch is just putting the needle and thread through one side, then put it through the cloth back to the original side you started on, but do it slightly next to the other bit of thread, and do it small. That is the first stitch I learned, I hope I explained it right. But anyway, it’s really simple, and once you know HOW to do it, it is really easy. :) Just hang in there. You’ll get eventually if you keep trying to learn. :)

            • #876913


              Oh and, the action cinderella is a little violent, you might like that yeah, if you do, you would like that movie, although I would not reccomend doing what one of cinderella’s stepsisters acted like. Ugh. But anyway, cinderella is a little tough, and is good with a sword, and like, yeah, so, it’s girly and action at the same time so, it’s cool. :) Very action, but at the same time, very girly, kind of romance and action at the same time…I don’t know how exactly how to explain it. But anyway, it’s action, romance, girly, all mixed into one. Definitly the most harsh romance ever though! LOL! :) As in, like, not everyone thing is all lovey and nice and sweet, it also has some violence and stuff, fight scenes, some comedy, so, it’s a pretty good movie, but I missed the beginning. Although, I did see the when the stepmother came. Just missed a fight scene in the beginning. Too bad. I would have understood the OTHER fight scene with the same people, better, my sister said. But she explained what happened in the other one, so now I pretty much remember the whole movie. :)

            • #922078


              Wow nice outfits! I made this gorgeous outfit with a crystal tiara, a blue ball gown and crystal shoes!

          • #883623


            I like my Strawberry Cloud Leopard, Berrina’s outfit a lot. apparently, so do a lot of other people. I’ve seen quite a few people wearing similar outfits, and some are exactly the same. XD

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          • #892082


            Same! All my pets are all wearing clothes and they have accessories, I need more pets to put clothes on lol =). I am willing to trade anytime for some cool, fashionable clothes! I have got lots!!! =)

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      • #872889


        I love the glass slippers and blue gown I made in the clothing machine.

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        • #873361


          me too they make my pet look like cinderellan!

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        • #874655


          me too I love how well those 2 clothing items and the tiara from webkinznewz makes your pet look like Cidnerella!!!!!

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      • #903094


        I have no idea OMG

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      • #1365126


        The princess fairy ball gown, the crown of wonder, and the cinderella glass slippers on my sapphire pegasus.

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    6. #874658


      Aww your pet looks so cool!!!!!

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    7. #875881


      CUUUTE!!!!! Love it, 1a2s3d4! :)

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    8. #878247


      thank you @playnowpuppy and @prprprprp!

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