Best Webkinz Naming Contest! ~*Doodlebear954*~

Home Forums Pets – Archives Best Webkinz Naming Contest! ~*Doodlebear954*~

This topic contains 3 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  flicka787 12 years ago.

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  • #690328

    Hiya Everyone! this is my naming contest, i will name an animal, and you will list good names you can think of for it! at the end i will list the top 3-5 names for that pet, and we will start a new pet, and start naming new names! ok, First pet is… Rockers Coyote!!! Start naming! :-D

    1. #718362


      Kate, Harmonie, Alta, Ayita, Song of the Brook

    2. #718142

      Swifter , Guitar ,Rockerz ,Superstar or Loud paw ( Loud paw is a mix of loud music and a coyotes paw.)

    3. #718115


      Rocky, Ruby, Call of the Wild, Luna, Soft Paw, Swift Strike, Rough Coat, Lazy Fang, Gentle Heart, Akira. If you need names ask the internet.

    4. #708991


      Rock, Rock & Roll, Rocker, Rockz, Braid, Brianna, Lyric, Music, Song, Melody, Dance.

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