Blue Moon Lagoon For trade!! By laughable921

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Blue Moon Lagoon For trade!! By laughable921

This topic contains 45 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  leopold 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #684919

    Hi laughable! Long time no see. Its WackyWebber on my backup account. Anyways, how many points would you ideally like to get for the Lagoon? PLMK, thanks! *AIW

    1. #684957


      laughable921 wrote on 2012-11-26 at 07:25 PM

      Hey guys, I’m looking for e-store points for LMK yea!

      omg i need that sooooo bad!!!! i just got a bunch of points for the cyber monday sale and i would trade TONS for that lagoon! i will offer 2000 points higher than whatever any1 else offers PLZ trade me!

    2. #684955


      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-26 at 08:40 PM

      Hi laughable! Long time no see. Its WackyWebber on my backup account. Anyways, how many points would you ideally like to get for the Lagoon? PLMK, thanks! *AIW

      Hmm, I’m not sure. I’m saving up for a pet, but I’m exactly sure on how much estore items are worth in points terms!
      And Long time no see!! Nice to see you!! :)

      And also, I’m looking for estore psi for this, ideally Christmas Estore PSI

    3. #684950


      omg i need that sooooo bad!!!! i just got a bunch of points for the cyber monday sale and i would trade TONS for that lagoon! i will offer 2000 points higher than whatever any1 else offers PLZ trade me!

    4. #684949

      Hey, laughable! Long time no see. How many points are you asking for the lagoon? I usually don’t trade points for PSI, but this one is kind of tempting, so please let me know!

    5. #684919

      Hi laughable! Long time no see. Its WackyWebber on my backup account. Anyways, how many points would you ideally like to get for the Lagoon? PLMK, thanks! *AIW

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