Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CALLING TRADERS! TRADING CENTER!

This topic contains 50 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  nutty_buddy 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #686044

    hi there heres what i have for trade!

    E-STORE PSI: diamond piano, spring melody harp, fire sign carousel, aquatranium,
    SIGNATURE PSI: cats meow garden, sly slide, jungle gym glider, sunny savnnah oasis,
    icy artic organ, (X2) and possibly more? PLMKSNOL

    1. #687017


      poobearz wrote on 2012-12-03 at 05:28 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-12-03 at 04:38 PM
      I have that table, I think we were talking about it on a different forum (remember, I forgot that I had it lol). If you\’re still in need of it, LMK what you\’d be willing to trade for it, maybe you have something that strikes my fancy LOL :P

      Yes I remember, do you still need the webkinz friends table? think that is what we were talking about trading. Or we can do something else if you want to give me an idea of other items you might be looking for. Thanks

      Hi poobearz

      I don’t think that was me but since I got the table I might trade to you for a friend, I can ask her if she’ d like that….I think ours was about webkinz friends prizes fluffington desk and green apple clock….I think… I am all over the place on forums right now trying to find christmas gifts! I am in DESPERATE need to find mad scientist goggles for a friend, it would be a perfectly awesome christmas gift for a certain friend of mine so LMK if you have those possibly for trade….. I have tons to offer :D


    2. #687001

      POOBEARZ- I posted to you above. LMK, thanks. *AIW

    3. #686908


      i need diamond piano, jungle gym glidder, and sly slide

    4. #686900


      Hey does anyone need elf hat? I’m looking for licorice dress, which hat, sail captain pieces, and estore sour gumball seeds. My username is EliasJ10 add me if you want elf hat and have any of those :D

    5. #686899


      TRADE List :

      Clothing :

      Sham Rockin’ Shirt
      Cloud Adventure Wings (Wings) (HOLD)
      Birthday Cake Hat
      City Chic Top
      Cloud Adventure Dress
      Cloud Adventure Hat
      Rockerz Superstar Top (Rockerz Cat) (HOLD)
      Leaf Glasses
      Butterfly Costume (Caterpillar Clothing PSI)
      Snow Globe Hat
      Orange Sweater Dress

      Rare :

      Mad Hatter Chair
      Grand Empire Chest
      Imperial Dining Table
      Medival Dining Chair
      Medival Curtains
      Flourishing Tree and Flower Bed
      Ancient Brazier
      Elegant Victorian Fountain
      Victorian Garden Fence

      PSI :

      Hedgy Hedgehog
      Shaggy Yorkie Couch
      Pretty Poodle Vanity

      MISC. :

      Dragon Treasure Pile
      Flowing Ribbons Four Post Bed
      Medival Unicorn Tapestry
      Winterfest Window
      Robot Flower (Lorax)
      Animal Totem Pole (Lorax)

      LMK if anyone sees anything they like! :-)

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