Can You Help Me Thin Out My Wishlist?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Can You Help Me Thin Out My Wishlist?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  AliceInWebkinzland4 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #758753

    Hi guys. So its seems that lately all my wishlist is doing is growing LOL. If you have any item on my wishlist (see below) please let me know what you might be looking for return. Thank you!

    Jeweled Fountain (Razzle Dazzle Dog)
    Pup Star Vanity (Dazzle Dachshund)
    Relaxing Rocky Sauna (Lynx)
    Hibernation Hammock (Grizzly Bear)
    Cozy Hayloft Hideaway (Signature Cow)
    Three Ring Swing (Big Top Elephant, Estore)
    Taste Tester Fountain (Licorice Fish, Candykinz Estore)
    Polar Lamp Post (Minty Moose)
    Desert Tree Sunning Station (Meerkat)
    Cloud Nine Window (Love Dino, Estore)

    Hula Shirt

    Cloudy Window
    Window to Zumwhere
    Ponder Pond

    Charm Forest-
    Charm Forest Window
    Charm Forest Wallpaper&Flooring

    Adventure Park-
    Giant Mug (Pink Pony Dig Prize)
    Beanstalk Basket (Pink Pony Dig Prize)
    Celestial S’mores Campsite (Bengal Tiger Grand Prize)

    Caring Valley-
    Caring Sights Window

    Endangered Signature Wallpaper & Flooring Sets

    1. #758864

      I have a giant mug. Do you have one of these (in order of most wanted)? Rafi or Boris plush, cave crystal display box, rocky side table, seaweed skirt, seashell shoes.

      • #759096

        MOHRB, Unfortunately I don’t have any of those items currently. Sorry! Is there perhaps anything else you might like for the Giant Mug? LMK, thank you!

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