
This topic contains 33 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  lilimoonlight 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #677404


    Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-10-28 at 09:20 AM

    Hi there! I have Cat shirt and hat for trade. I really need Sea Captain hat, goggles, and other priceless. Thanks!

    Hey! I have Purple T-Shirt, Elephant Hat, and Elephant feet! Let me know

    1. #678030

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-30 at 03:55 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-10-30 at 03:29 PM

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-28 at 07:25 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-10-28 at 07:19 PM

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-28 at 05:04 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-10-28 at 09:20 AM
      Hi there! I have Cat shirt and hat for trade. I really need Sea Captain hat, goggles, and other priceless. Thanks!

      I’m very interested I have
      Hula top
      And signature limo
      PLMK ~Louie

      Hey louie! I need charm. what do u want? ={P

      My list if wants is above :{b

      Uh, don;t have cat if you need that. I have full captin and emo.

      OH captain :D I’m interested!!!!! Ok anything on my list u like :D

      Hmm… I’m going to need a really really good offer. I’m EXTREMELY picky. So right now I kind of need charm, witch, and full pink explorer.

    2. #677996


      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-10-30 at 08:26 AM

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-29 at 04:42 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-10-29 at 09:33 AM

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-28 at 05:04 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-10-28 at 09:20 AM
      Hi there! I have Cat shirt and hat for trade. I really need Sea Captain hat, goggles, and other priceless. Thanks!

      I’m very interested I have
      Hula top
      And signature limo
      PLMK ~Louie

      Hi there, Hmm, I have all that you listed except army and charm….I don’t really need army, but do you think you could add to charm?
      (BTW could everyone please tell me if they need both cat or just a certain piece? That’s be Fantastic, Thanks!)

      Well my list us like all I have for trade… But I am also interested in ur goggles if u add something small like the scientist wig

      Aw Ok, and sorry, I am also looking for goggles, i don’t have them.

      Aww :c well the only other priceless I have isn’t for trade :/ but if I get an extra wacky, scuba belt, ketchup costume, witch, or jack o lantern I’ll let you know

    3. #677980


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-10-30 at 03:29 PM

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-28 at 07:25 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-10-28 at 07:19 PM

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-28 at 05:04 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-10-28 at 09:20 AM
      Hi there! I have Cat shirt and hat for trade. I really need Sea Captain hat, goggles, and other priceless. Thanks!

      I’m very interested I have
      Hula top
      And signature limo
      PLMK ~Louie

      Hey louie! I need charm. what do u want? ={P

      My list if wants is above :{b

      Uh, don;t have cat if you need that. I have full captin and emo.

      OH captain :D I’m interested!!!!! Ok anything on my list u like :D

    4. #677973


      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-10-30 at 03:08 PM

      Hey Chloe,
      Ok I am going to friend u now, so 5,000 works! I am home sick from school today with a stomach flu so I don’t think I will be going to my Clarinet Lesson today. PS My u name is zarihorowitz
      and as soon as u give the ok I’ll send the points, and don’t worry I’ll have plenty for the holidays because I am deluxe. U are soooooo nice!!!! ~mortonhippo~ :) :D

      Hey Morton :)

      Wanted to let you know that when Chloe said find her on cat, she meant calling all traders lol, our “usual” forum lol! She scans the forums and will likely see this but I wanted to let you know :D


    5. #677972

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-28 at 07:25 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-10-28 at 07:19 PM

      Louieabeast wrote on 2012-10-28 at 05:04 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-10-28 at 09:20 AM
      Hi there! I have Cat shirt and hat for trade. I really need Sea Captain hat, goggles, and other priceless. Thanks!

      I’m very interested I have
      Hula top
      And signature limo
      PLMK ~Louie

      Hey louie! I need charm. what do u want? ={P

      My list if wants is above :{b

      Uh, don;t have cat if you need that. I have full captin and emo.

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