Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CAT HAT FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 87 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  ferretfriend 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #88071


    <p>Looking for cat feet and scuba belt!

    1. #637358


      Egg- Oh my gosh! I was wondering didn’t I have a candykinz? I did not know that was you lol! I hope you enjoy you hat! I love plumpy and ears thanks!

      Sag- Oh lol its ok. Want to trade now? Also, I might trade bed if you add shuts if you have.

    2. #637332

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 04:30 PM

      Dance- I am on now. I do not see you online though.
      Sag- Sorry Sag, I traded the bed. Can we just do the hat and the two things?

      Oops sorry. I was on Do Not Disturb. I was on it because my friend whxhw is KINDA bugging me. Well I ask her to trade. But she keeps wanting (I don’t think I spelled wanting right. LOL!) me to add cat.

    3. #637326

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 04:30 PM

      Dance- I am on now. I do not see you online though.
      Sag- Sorry Sag, I traded the bed. Can we just do the hat and the two things?

      Thanks for the trade, Adama! I think I’ve traded with your pet before, LOL. Omg, now that I think about it… I traded the Tennis Ball Swing for your Jawbreaker Sorter. O_O Awesome! XD

      Sorry about not responding, my Kinzchat bar magically disappeared like it always does. xD

      Talk to you soon! Enjoy the glasses and ears!

    4. #637309


      Dance- I am on now. I do not see you online though.

      Sag- Sorry Sag, I traded the bed. Can we just do the hat and the two things?

    5. #637295

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 02:44 PM

      Sag- Ok so are we doing the booth, the carpet and the safri hat for the psi?
      Kbk- Sorry I could not get on at ten today. Do you want to send instead? I think the plumpy and cat feet are on my other account, 2sweet4you101. I will add you.

      Well I don’t need the safari hat. Can u do the cinnamon bun bed? PLMK. I can add. KK?

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