Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CAT HAT FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 87 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  ferretfriend 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #88071


    <p>Looking for cat feet and scuba belt!

    1. #637640

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-25 at 04:46 PM

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 04:30 PM
      Dance- I am on now. I do not see you online though.
      Sag- Sorry Sag, I traded the bed. Can we just do the hat and the two things?

      Oops sorry. I was on Do Not Disturb. I was on it because my friend whxhw is KINDA bugging me. Well I ask her to trade. But she keeps wanting (I don’t think I spelled wanting right. LOL!) me to add cat.

      Hey SAG she was bugging me too on Plumpy, I don’t want to trade it for what she offered me! I saw you had witch, I really want, cause I never saw mine again after I sent it, oh nevermind. Well anyway, can I give you Swirl for Cat hat and plumpy for witch or something like that? Oh wait, I really don’t what to trade my plumpy, well I don’t know. LOL


    2. #637628


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-25 at 11:26 PM

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 10:48 PM
      Lol you are always getting the new psi. I think the persons UN is ALPACA. I added her but I did not check if she accepted yet. I also have a signature lop bunny psi if you need it because I would love to trade with you tomorrow!

      Oh. I mean’t like clothing. Can u give me a list of clothing u need for witch? And do you still have any sailors clothing?

      Sag- I am not sure about which but I do have plumpy if you need it. And I do not have any sail sorry.

    3. #637615

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 10:48 PM

      Lol you are always getting the new psi. I think the persons UN is ALPACA. I added her but I did not check if she accepted yet. I also have a signature lop bunny psi if you need it because I would love to trade with you tomorrow!

      Oh. I mean’t like clothing. Can u give me a list of clothing u need for witch? And do you still have any sailors clothing?

    4. #637602


      Lol you are always getting the new psi. I think the persons UN is ALPACA. I added her but I did not check if she accepted yet. I also have a signature lop bunny psi if you need it because I would love to trade with you tomorrow!

    5. #637581

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-25 at 10:02 PM

      You too Sag! I hope you enjoy both your hats! Also, I head this alpaca was giving out priceless for psi.I ha

      Oh my gosh! He/she was?!?! Are u friends with him/her or do u know the name of the pet? Oh and I might be adopting a cyote soon. I hope I spelled cyote right. LOL! If u need it PLMKASAP. Do u want to do a random trade tomorrow?

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