Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CLICK HERE IF YOU NEED LIGHTENING LAGOON! by 4pb

This topic contains 35 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #664703

    ooh! lightning lagoon! i’m intrested!
    i’ll make a list tomorow of PSI. sound good to you?

    (also if you ever get cats meow garden i really want that too!)

    1. #664855

      NB– I looked at yr list and I like the sundae station. Lmk if u want to trade station for closet or if u want to add or if u want me to add or if it is on hold etc. Lmk yr thoughts! PS. Happy 2nd birthday to my dog!!


    2. #664844

      All EXCEPT fudgey and NB– sorry, I don’t need any of those…

      Fudgey– I kinda like the cream soda sprinkler, lmk what other psi u have such as sign, estore, etc. And I will take that advice about the garden :)

      NB– OK I will check it out!


    3. #664827


      I have the Elegant Victorian Foutain and the Carrot Fridge if anyone wants them.
      ♥Firepelt of Thunder or Wind

    4. #664818

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-10 at 03:44 PM

      LOTH, wow i totally forgot about that! now that you
      say it i did want it! is there anything on my list you like? i can post
      a SIG. list though if you want. PLMKSNOL
      nutty, k i’ll go check.

      If you could post a list of sig and estore, that would be fantastic! I’ll keep the truck on hold for you and let you know what I like. Thanks!

    5. #664803

      ntty i found your list! lets discuss the rest
      of our trade on the catwalk forum. where your list is.

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