Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives CLICK HERE IF YOU NEED LIGHTENING LAGOON! by 4pb

This topic contains 35 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #664703

    ooh! lightning lagoon! i’m intrested!
    i’ll make a list tomorow of PSI. sound good to you?

    (also if you ever get cats meow garden i really want that too!)

    1. #664905


      Here is my list. Treetop lamp, super fluffy sofa, acorn barbuque,rabbit Tv, and more

    2. #664880

      4PB and LOTH, heres my SIG list! thanks for waiting!
      flock watch tower, majestic dog mansion, (on hold) spring melody harp,
      (NXVVSDGO! need xtremely very verysuper duper good offer.) icy artic organ, (NVVGO)
      sly slide, (NVVGO) bamboo chute slide, (only for over the rainbow ride.) frozen fountain,
      honey waterfall, and more. if you want a signature you have to add though.

    3. #664809

      fudgey– lol ok :)

      guest– ok then! :)

      all– getting off for today. i should be on tomorrow afternoon. :)


    4. #664873


      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-09 at 10:11 PM

      Title says it all :) -4pb-

      Hey I want it I have psi I will list later

    5. #664868

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-10 at 05:10 PM

      All EXCEPT fudgey and NB– sorry, I don’t need any of those…
      Fudgey– I kinda like the cream soda sprinkler, lmk what other psi u have such as sign, estore, etc. And I will take that advice about the garden :)
      NB– OK I will check it out!

      thank goodness! i thought i was gonna have to
      wait a YEAR before someone wanted that! LOL, (goes to show you i don’t
      like the soda sprinkler.) i’ll post a list when i can, (i’m in the process of
      making cookies while playing webkinz.) so it might take awhile.
      also i might get the lagoon from superwebkinz.

      LOTH, loth….. is that a real word? probably not.
      anyway the list is gonna take awhile, thanks for waiting!

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