Clothes for Trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Clothes for Trade

This topic contains 22 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  FluttershyIsBestPony 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #783782

    Hi guys! So, i’ve just found some clothes I’d like to trade, and LMK if you’re interested in the following items: Green Santa Hat, Shuts, Torn, Rock Jacket, Rockstar Boots, Cloud Wings, Hula Top, Shimmering Gold Dress (x2), Glittering Silver Dress, Fire Queen Robes, Green Grapes Dress, White Knight Shoes (Estore Mystery bag) and Masquerade Mask (estore mystery bag).

    1. #784849


      I am interested in the green santa hat, I have most of the deluxe kinzstyle shop and all of the summer clothes fro the kinzstyle outlet plmk if you want to trade! :) And, did you see any of my psis you were interested for the maple moose psi?

      • #800036

        I’ll recheck that, Becky. I feel as if my dock is too cluttered, so I may need to clear things up and give some things away, regardless of value. I’ll see and let you know as soon as I can! :)

        • #800037

          Did I call you Becky? I’m sorry, I’m going a little crazy today. Blame the early morning rising…hehe. Sorry about that, Gracie. But yes, I will get back to you ASAP.

    2. #784696

      Hi guys, so I just gave away the rock jacket, wings, and torn. However, I gained the fairy den dress and the masquerade dress, so if you’re interested, just send me a friend request at helloprettypanda. Have a great evening.

      • #787197

        Gahhh, okay, since I have to share my account with my younger sister, half of my things continually go missing, and then reappear magically. It’s quite inconvenient, but, what can I do…anyhow, I just wanted to update you guys on the clothes I have and do not have. I HAVE: full rock outfit (shuts, torn, rock jacket, rockstar big black boots), hula top, shimmering gold dress, glittering silver dress, masquerade gown and mask (estore mystery bag), white knight shoes (also estore mystery bag), WZ jeans, Plumpy, Sail Cap, Candy Dreamland Dress and Fairy Den Dress. The last six were sent to me by the ever so kind Becky, so I would need a good offer to part with those, guys. Sorry about that, and let me know if anyone is still interested!! Thanks everyone for being so patient for my replies, I just couldn’t find the forum (I’m new to these forums, so I just need some time to adjust). Have a great day, and feel free to add me at helloprettypanda. :)

    3. #784891


      hi again, I have the rockerz cat top if you want it for the green santa hat. Plmkasap! :)

    4. #784914


      Hi! I would love the hula top. What would you need for it? My username is Mudgirl1O1. Capitol M and O. Please let me know!!

      • #787171

        Sorry for replying so late~I couldn’t find my own forum, LOL. But anyways, I’m actually looking for any sail items or promo clothing, or anything from scuba/mad scientist outfit. If you have any of those, I would gladly up my offer. PLMKS if you are still interested. Thanks! ~helloprettypanda~

    5. #784918

      Shimmering gold dress and silver sparkle dress! Please! and what is cloud wings??? ~Texas Girl

      • #787192

        Cloud wings are these animated wings that your pet can wear, and I do believe they came from a webkinz newz floaty-clicky. I’m actually not sure. But, you see, they are one of the at least mid range value pieces of clothing, so they’re not at rock bottom value. Gold and Silver dress are from the Kinzstyle SHOP (not outlet). And please do let me know of any offers if anything still appeals. Have a great afternoon! ~helloprettypanda~

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