Clothes for Trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Clothes for Trade

This topic contains 22 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  FluttershyIsBestPony 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #783782

    Hi guys! So, i’ve just found some clothes I’d like to trade, and LMK if you’re interested in the following items: Green Santa Hat, Shuts, Torn, Rock Jacket, Rockstar Boots, Cloud Wings, Hula Top, Shimmering Gold Dress (x2), Glittering Silver Dress, Fire Queen Robes, Green Grapes Dress, White Knight Shoes (Estore Mystery bag) and Masquerade Mask (estore mystery bag).

    1. #798152


      Hi I want to know if you still have the candy land dream dress and the masquerade gown for trade I have lots of rare items please let me know (i’m trying to get it for a friend) Thanks My username is markg97 (no caps) in W.W. and again please let me know.

      • #800038

        I have the gown, but I gave the candy dress away, sorry. I’ll be glad to see your list. This forum is kind of old, so if you don’t mind, Mark, could you check out my wishlist forum? It’s easier for me to manage, and has my trade list on it. Thanks very much! ~helloprettypanda~

        • #801090


          Hi panda, it’s okay that you don’t have the candy dreamland dress I think they already had gotten one for someone else.but the masquerade gown do you also have the mask and shoes that go with it cause that will be great (I know that they probability don’t have them), if not that’s okay too. Sorry but I can’t find you wishlist, and about my trade list, I don’t know what type of rare theme you are looking for, but just name a theme and item(s) and i’ll see if I have it, if that okay with you just let me know. Thanks

    2. #797103

      May I please have the shuts? Just let me know what you want for them. ~Fluttershy ( ) ( ) ( >(^.^)< k q( O )p o o(ll)(ll)

      • #797690

        Hey Fluttershy! I gave them away to our fairy godmother, sry. I’ll be trading for another pair though, so I’ll let you know when that happens. ~helloprettypanda~

    3. #786210


      you sadly cant send or trade estore items trust me ive tryed i bought this thing that i hate

      • #800039

        Hi belle! You see, these are kind of like promo estore items. The white knight shoes were promo and tradeable, and the masquerade gown came from a mystery bag of clothing, in which the clothing was tradeable. Hope you’ve understood why I put them on my trade list. Thanks very much! ~helloprettypanda~

    4. #786153

      Hi there. I’m interested in your Green Grapes Dress if no one else has expressed interest before me. Are you looking for anything specific for it? Maybe other Deluxe? PLMK, thank you!

      • #800040

        Would love to see your deluxe clothing list, if possible. Thanks in advance, Alice. :) ~helloprettypanda~

    5. #785768


      I would really Like The Wings! Idk What to offer!

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