Clothes for Trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Clothes for Trade

This topic contains 22 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  FluttershyIsBestPony 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #783782

    Hi guys! So, i’ve just found some clothes I’d like to trade, and LMK if you’re interested in the following items: Green Santa Hat, Shuts, Torn, Rock Jacket, Rockstar Boots, Cloud Wings, Hula Top, Shimmering Gold Dress (x2), Glittering Silver Dress, Fire Queen Robes, Green Grapes Dress, White Knight Shoes (Estore Mystery bag) and Masquerade Mask (estore mystery bag).

    1. #802429

      May I plz have shuts & green santa hat? Thanks!

    2. #801972


      Hi I would like to trade the googly eyeglasses for the fairy den dress!

    3. #800698

      Please, if everyone could refrain from posting on this forum, that would be brilliant. I have another forum up with my wishlist and trade list, and its not only for clothing. Feel free to browse through it, if you will, because I just can’t juggle two forums at once.  Thanks for reading! ~helloprettypanda~

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